Never thought I would see a Volvo rolling coal!
Never thought I would see a Volvo rolling coal!
Ha touche.
Sure is gorgeous though. I like the shade of blue you could get them in.
Doug, I love you. That is all.
Neutral: Yes, 2016 Ford Fusion, ordered since they didnt have any on the lot yet. 3,500 in rebates. 2,000 alone for being a prior Focus owner.
Ford’s is pretty damn good as well. Got it on my 2012 Focus because it was $235 (1200-965 rebate). Not much to get a neat gadget, which I admit I expected to never use. I used that park system so much, I made sure the new Fusion I got had it as well. It is super simple to use and it will get you into spots your brain…
My wife squirts and I absolutely love it. Now I am not a watersports fan, but there have been times where I was curious if I would like watersports considering how much I enjoy my wife squirting.
Neutral: Are You Satisfied With Your Car?
Woah! She does NOT represent Houstonians in the least bit. I am a Saints fan and Houston because I live here and I have been waiting all year to hear why my team sucks...BECAUSE THEY DO! Can you send us her email to add her to the email chain!?
Well I would like to give MTV as little traffic as I can. Which the youtube post above will fit perfectly with.
Can you let those of us who left MTV very long ago know when/where we can catch this documentary?
Ugh this is the worst! Flex fuel is the stupidest thing ever. Take tons of corn used as food and livestock feed, use an expensive process to produce Ethanol, mix with gas and boom! Lower gas mileage, costs related to engineering the cars to handle ethanol and for a short time it was cheaper than gas, but now that…
You may think it’ll make you look old, but my 2004 Thunderbird I have been using as a daily driver (2012 Focus flooded in Houston, waiting on my ordered ‘16 Fusion) can really seal the deal when picking up your 20-something year old date. It’s classic styling and smooth lines appeal to many generations and not just…
Probably a 2016 Fusion. I wish they had some more power, but I have always been a Ford man and I love the look. So it’ll be the 2.0L Ecoboost I4. Haven’t decided on AWD or FWD.
Hahaha I was super close to doing so but it is totaled. Water above the steering wheel, all electronics fried. It would be like keeping it on life support and I really don’t want that to a family member. Haha.
I hear you on the “cars are simply not like other large consumer goods.” I lost my 2012 Focus in the Houston flooding last week. It was my first car, paid for it myself, put 70k miles on it and I now feel like a family member died. That car meant so much to me and I lost it all in 45 min and 3.5 ft of water. Cars have…
Looks like John Oliver really has some pull around the world