Tjardus Greidanus

Ha ha! Zombies rule! Can't wait for Zombie Walk 2014, you guys!
*devours own fingers, chokes to death on knuckles*

So a cynical, nostalgia-fueled, cash-grab reboot of a cynical cash-grab rework of a bad Japanese TV show.

How funny would it be if Ethan Hawke's character from Boyhood had to battle a malevolent spirit?

Wow, I find that so hard to accept. I always just assumed it was published in the 70s or 80s. It's weird to think that people were already hailing it as a timeless classic when I was a kid (mid-late 90s).

That sounds really nice, honestly.

So you're saying Transformers: Age of Extinction didn't need to be 165 minutes long? Bold idea but I'm not convinced.

Brennan Liamsworth is the Brando of his generation!

Hey, I wanted Vanessa Redgrave and Woody Harrelson!

Yeah, that's right. Just keep lapping up whatever the government feeds you, like the good little doggie you are.

Sure but then you have a stupid grilled cheese.

Never seen it, but I think I Love You to Death is a seriously underrated little movie.

He's made the most bizarre assortment of movies.

Having flashbacks to The Big Chill soundtrack.

As a crappy movie aficionado, I find the whole Sharknado craze nauseating.

I tried to like this show but I just don't have the patience.

Melting butter in the pan never works for me. It always just turns into a burnt disaster.

How about this Dark Reimagining of the story behind Wuthering Heights?

Hey it looks like Olivia Munn gets groped in this movie. Way to branch out, Olivia!


I didn't realize the guy who directed Boogie Nights and Magnolia also did Death Race!