Tjardus Greidanus

I assume the interdimensional vulva monster from Watchmen?

All it really wanted was a soul anyway

Can't wait for a Sorkin-penned screenplay about the rise of the King gaming empire.

Try as I might, I just can't get on board with this guy. His smug face reminds me too much of a young Shia DaBeef.

Most music snobs defend their enjoyment of crappy music by saying "it's a well-crafted pop song" or something to that effect.

So you're saying Will Smith will be the next Jerry Lewis?

Yeah fair enough. The dude has had so many memorable roles!

Such an awesome actor, seems like a good guy too.

Plus fin de siècle Bowie!

I did not have the Red Wedding spoiled when I first read the books, and holy shit, I was not expecting it. There's a general ominous tone throughout the chapter that slowly builds as you get closer and closer to the fact and by the time you're reading about all of these characters getting murdered in the most

It seems like, to me, Looking—as an HBO subscriber—would be more watchable than Girls. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! It's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, premium cable: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.

Glad you enjoyed it! A signed poster is in the mail.

What about the crumbling Stadium?

Weird because he seems to have a travelin' prayer

I would assume that Billy Joel's roadies are adequately compensated for their services.

I know a lot of Mennonite and Amish immigrants came to America before the Revolution.

Good, it's about time someone made a movie about the injustices white settlers suffered at the hands of their Indian oppressors.

Sounds spicy!

"In New York City, an artist confronts poverty and genius"

But you're not the arbiter of what is or isn't offensive. Some people will find a racist joke funny, some won't, and they're going to feel the way they feel regardless of your opinion. To suggest otherwise is downright patronizing.