Tjardus Greidanus

I remember my own exploits in the Disqus Offensive with great pride.

So you gave the misdelivered package to its rightful owner?

I'm surprised to hear that. Definitely going to check it out

Is the ending the same as the novella? If so, kudos to them! That ending is unbelievably depressing and not necessarily what I would expect from a Hollywood adaptation.

Is the movie worth seeing? I always liked Stephen King's novella and just assumed the adaptation was trash.

I like how its only predator before humans was the Haast's eagle, which was basically a giant, winged killing machine. It must have been like pitting a Navy SEAL against Bozo the Clown.

The Weinsteins give media-controlling Jews a bad name.

I had a Treehouse of Horror/vaguely-supernatural-themed ("Bart Sells His Soul," "Lisa the Skeptic") VHS boxset as a kid. I watched the everloving shit out of those tapes until they fell apart.

[Skynet joke]

The absence of scaphism in this article is staggering

Wait, this looks amazing.

As I recall, it's a pretty solid adaptation. I was impressed with the nuanced portrayals of pretty much every character, something that the woman's diary captures well. This is part of the reason the book caused such an uproar when it was first published: West Germans accused the woman of being a Soviet apologist

Ahhhh reading that just made me want to rewatch Fringe so badly!

Have you read the original memoir that A Woman in Berlin is based on? It's brutal and harrowing, but definitely worth checking out if you enjoyed the movie.

Nathan For You is one of the funniest shows on TV right now and I'm very glad that it got renewed. I couldn't breathe during the gas station rebate segment, I was laughing so hard.

Stella belongs right up there with Deadwood, Firefly, and Freaks and Geeks in the pantheon of brilliant shows that were canceled way too early.

On Thanksgiving I watched the MST3K Turkey Day marathon and was pleased to find pretty much all of my favorite episodes represented. Also watched Killing Them Softly and enjoyed it, but also found it pretentious and laughably unsubtle. The message is so obvious, I felt like I was being bludgeoned over the head with it

You is a warwilf

Now I have a machine gun.