very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.
very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.
Haters gonna hate.
I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.
He’s just a modern-day Mickey Mantle without the knee injury and the drinking, playing in the vicinity of the nation’s second-biggest media market. Boring.
It’s plain to see that Hood is sensitive. And beneath his exterior, I bet the sensitivity is so high that’s sometimes he can’t even think straight. As to what’s eating him? Don’t know for sure, but certainly not DJ Khaled.
Possibly the best part of this video is the broadcaster saying look at the concentration right as Grichuk shuts his eyes and looks away from the ball. Look at it, indeed!
“he gave his life for the game he loved”
No worries, you the american taxpayer will be there to bail them out. Same for banks and every other large U.S. business. Now go bootstrap harder silly poor.
I don’t have anything to add, but I like commenting on Deadspin.
Boston fans don’t know who Bledsoe is, either, but that’s because all basketball players look alike.
Blazers limped into the playoffs and the Pelicans closed the season like they were on a mission. This one looks like it might not make it back to Portland.
Just making some boils. Purdue man through and through.
The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.
“It’s totally unfair!! I was trying to talk rationally with them but they basically turned.......their.....back.....on.........
Hey, it’s his dad!
Texas has the luxury of not having total shit roads due to the winters us midwesterns have to deal with.
That interview is how I imagine a conversation between a high school bully and a principal would be like.