How about an option to GO bottomless there? Air it out on a hot summer day sans-culottes?
How about an option to GO bottomless there? Air it out on a hot summer day sans-culottes?
Lucky for me I figured out years ago that Chick Fil A serves dry overrated garbage so I never go there.
honestly, I have more problems with baking good old fashioned “sliced bread” loaves than baguettes. One important step - put a cast iron skillet in the oven as it warms and when you slide your loaves in, add water so you get some steam going - makes a world of difference.
I’ve lived in this region my whole life and I’ve never heard of White French being A Thing.
I would love to see a return to dining out being more special-occasion than “Ok it’s Tuesday and we are lazy let’s go to Applebees”. I have made a point of eating out less often and when I do eat out, doing it “right” at a locally-owned place with a reputation for good ingredients and innovation. I enjoy it much more,…
Thanks Stacey. The best writing tells us more about the author than about whatever the subject, and I very much appreciated hearing your story. Bon Appetit!
I totally get the idea of spending a lot up front instead of having to pay for cheap alternatives that have to be replaced almost yearly. However i do have a question about the upkeep. Filters, gas canisters for the sparkling setting; they cost how much and how long do they last?
Rich people are wild.
Just plain stubborn is a reason? Yeah, society will agree with that when these kids eventually get out in it. The world loves asshole adults.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you can’t say no/set boundaries about small things for a your kids when they’re little (or also ten years old!* in this case), how are you going to be able to say no/set boundaries for them when they’re teenagers and the stakes are much higher (life ending/permanently…
“When they’re really hungry, they will eat what you cook.”
They way my grandma managed it was eat it or don’t, she wasn’t the one who was going to be hungry.
I know that Lifehacker is no longer a sister site to The Takeout, but A.A. Newton did an awesome breakdown of multiple ways to cook tofu:
A shameless plug here, but if you’re into the things I’m writing for The Takeout, consider subscribing to my Substack. Trying to get this thing off the ground:
Sorry, where did they say anyone was being tricked into eating anything?
Is it “build a tolerance, you lightweight?”
I highly recommend getting a decent sharpening setup and watching some videos on proper technique. I own 50 - 75 knives, and out of the lot, there’s only one I can’t sharpen myself. It’ll save you a ton of money over the years...or just buy cheap shit; it tends to be sharp from the factory...a few runs through a…
David Puddy approves of dip as an entree.
It’s not wrong to microwave some items before going into the air fryer
I’ve always loved this dip. My mom used to make it once in awhile growing up for the super bowl or other shit food eating festivities. The only difference is she put all of the ingredients in a sauce pan on low, and cooked everything together. I still prefer it that way to this day.