Jean Reid

“Completely invasive!” I cry as I voluntarily carry around a device that tracks my every move and communication 24/7. 


“Personally, I thought it was fear-mongering. I don’t think they presented anything that would make people in the field worried,” she said.

I promise you this: I Will Never Willingly Listen to a Podcast For My Job

That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

collision likely occurred between the Milky Way and a dwarf galaxy

I’ll go one further.

Unless we know the chronology, there’s a chance that he knew he was separating before the sale was finalized and the truck was delivered, and still decided to take delivery.

Addendum: I just read the contract for anyone who purchases a Cybertruck, and according to the contract, at anytime before you

Exactly. the article states the cybertruck is ‘nearly 8 ft wide’, but that is for the mirrors. The Cyber truck is 80" wide (as in 6 2/3 ft wide) , 95" with mirrors.

I wonder if his pending purchase of the CyberTruck had anything to do with his marital separation?

Actually yes. I travel a lot, and I love going through timeline to see the places I’ve been. I use this feature a lot.

I have used it several times to go back and find a the name of a bar/restaurant/museum/attraction/etc that I went to while in a particular city. I just did this about a week ago for a coworker that will be traveling to Japan; I was able to pull up some places that I really enjoyed but didnt remember the name of (ex:

As a contractor, I use it all the time. I have to keep records of mileage and time spent on-site at many locations, and it does both with no effort.

Is anyone else a bit suspicious of someone buying a Cybertruck on an O-3's salary?

They’re hosting your shit for free and maintaining servers is expensive. Ads pay for it so you don’t have to.

Just reading this article gave me crawling sensations all over my legs. Fuck these shits. Where is my blowtorch.

Why’d it have to be gigantic spiders?

This might be the only thing that makes Ted  Nugent's music relevant outside of oldies rock stations.

our children look up to us, consider us role models, and want to be like us. Parents want to give their kids opportunities. A professional plumber has his or her child help with a home project, learn tools, etc.