Jean Reid

I had gastric sleeve surgery 14 years ago and went from 305 to 160 in about 12 months. I could finally buy and wear “cute” clothes and felt “pretty” for the first time in my adult life. What this surgery didn’t fix was binging and as you say “food noise”. I, like you, still overshop and still over plate my meals even

Up until my mid 40s, I slept like a baby. 8 hour nights and even a Sunday afternoon nap. Sleep wasn’t anything I really thought about because it just happened. When I started having sleep issues my DR and I went through what feels like countless trial and errors with sleep meds, anti anxiety meds, etc.

If you are interested in learning more about space, check out NOVA and Curiosity Stream. They have some excellent material.

Was he pulled over by one and then when that officer figured out who he was called for back up? What was his background? Did he already have a warrant for his arrest? What he a known violent criminal? I hate when articles say the word victim over and over but don’t show all of the details.

I was living in Cali in 89, San Jose to be exact. I was stuck in a left hand turn lane at a red light. I can remember seeing the ground in front of me ripple and the traffic lights were swinging. Once we got home a lot of items had been knocked over. The initial quake was scary but it’s the aftershocks that really,

I use snipping tool quite a bit, but I simply hit the Windows key and then start to type SNI. Once you see the app selected simply hit the enter key.

So what about the other people he poisoned? Did they survive?

I can go to the website, but I’m not getting the newsletter anymore. This makes me sad. If I go to the website I see a few new articles but that’s it.

About a year ago I was gifted a instant pot air fryer oven. Unless there is a pot luck or dinner party I need to make a lot of food for, this little gadget has worked well for the two of us. It holds 8X8 casserole dishes perfectly. It really shines during the Texas summer months when I don’t want to heat up the whole

It’s 2024 and people still believe the earth is flat. The above doesn’t shock me in the slightest.

Or Google...or your bank...or, or, or.

Other than the Takeout and Gizmodo, Atlas Obscura is my other favorite newsletter to read each day. I hope more people check it out.

I don’t care too much for their regular pizza dough, but I do LOVE their cheesy italian bread. Especially with crazy sauce. If these are similar in texture, I would definitely give them a try. I’m a big fan of crispy cheese.

If you cut off the top, can you use an apple corer/slicer on it? Now that would be a time saver.

Many moons ago I worked at a restaurant on the West Coast called Shari’s. We had a spinning, vertical pie case with at least 10 different types of pies at any given time. Today, when I want pie, I have to either buy it and cook it OR make it from scratch. There just aren’t any restaurants around me that serve pie

Makes me (almost) sad I don’t have a sweet tooth.

Looks like the link above is no longer valid, but here’s what Google showed me:

When the clock springs forward, or backwards, I feel it for a few days. I don’t understand why but I’m always more tired than usual. I’m on edge and I usually avoid people during that time.

I’m curious if it was a angry employee that snuck a doughnut in to cause havoc...or a competitor?

If you’re going to invest in an air fryer, I suggest buying an air fryer oven. I was gifted one and I use it for everything I would use my normal oven for.