
Sincerely happy for you Tian. You were ready to take the plunge on an uncertain thing and got rewarded. You deserve it. That black Miata looks awesome

Excellent!!! May we all be so lucky!!!

I bought my first Miata a little over a year ago (‘03 NB) and it’s been an absolute joy. Check out https://forum.miata.net/ for a lot of great info and ideas. I’m turning mine into a track car, but be careful, once you open that box there’s no closing it.

Good find!

When I first moved up here I kept seeing graffiti or heard people talking about Smallbany. Didn’t know what the hell they were on about for quite a while - but, it sure is. And always will be Smallbany.

Yep. No point fretting if it’ll match, because it never did! ;)

If you are a “call-a-guy” kinda person, instead of a DIY person, you have no business buying a $300 car. If you are a DIY guy and realize this is a 22 year old miata that you only paid $300 for, it will be fantastic. $500 for a whole new top, $150 for an H4 headlight upgrade, $20 turn signal, leave the bumper or

Yeah, but nobody who is in the market for a 22 year old Miata is going to be looking for it to be repaired to factory spec condition so they can toodle around from point A to point B. They will be buying it to either wrench on and carve canyons on the weekends, or it will become a track car. You don’t know Miata

Resident of Troy here. Come hang!

Or, its a 20 year old car and the damage is more or less cosmetic. Leave it alone and drive your $300 car.

Who’s getting a car “properly” repaired at this end of the market? Probably more like “whatever I can find at pick-your-part that’s close enough in color”.

It doesnt need $2000 worth of work because RACECAR.

Who cares. If it passes inspection I’d leave the dent.

Where did you come up with the “$2000 worth of work” number? Your imagination or your ass? 

Where are you seeing $2000 worth of work? 

Damn, talk about right place, right time, right?!