
You mean brodcast a Mystery Science Theater 3000 style voiceover? I’d definitely watch that!

So why don’t you save yourself that once a month trip here, and SPARE THE REST OF US at the same time? Your posts never contribute anything to the conversation. They are always spiteful and full of hatred.

Just don’t do that on the train. Or anywhere in public. Please.

I’m intrigued that Lal gets mentioned in the mix, but also, isn’t Lore’s body at Daystrom?  I presume that doesn’t get brought up just because, yeah, the only way it can work is having Spiner play an “old” android, so they design the new body to look like that.

Wesley’s gonna show up before the series end, isn’t he? Probably with a handy ‘Travelers’ cure for Irumodic syndrome (for his step brother) in his pocket(eses). ah well, it was bound to be a walk-on series for everyone; except for Barclay of course.

“We did all these non-racisms! Surely that buys us at least one racism we’re allowed to do?”

This may shock you, but there can be more than one racist thing that happens in the world.

“This.... this is clickbait”

Also that look and aiming before he shoots - that’s not self defense, that’s “I’m going to shoot this motherfucker”

Things just havent’ been the same for Troy ever since the NFT market fell.

The lack of actual genuine emotion, etc is truly disturbing.

Fuck these god awful, canned “fan reactions.” I hate this trend more than gender reveals.

“You gotta admit, Deep Space 9 was way better than Voyager, Kate.”

I’ve always watched shows like this and thought “well, someone doesn’t mow their own yard.” Because every spring, it’s the same thing.

Well played 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Time to tea up!

Smart getting ahead of the inevitable, Last of Us/Every other movie about this same topic that has come out in the last 3o years....

- Little Girl Clicker - WOW, that shit freaked me out. I just started playing the game (actually went out ant bought a ps4 just for the game, my first game console) Does she show up in the game.

- Great choice by the producers in picking a real deaf actor. Just added something that would not have been there otherwise.


The little “uuun!” (sorry, onomatopoeia isn’t my strong suit) noise that Ellie makes as Henry shoots himself got me more than anything else in this episode.