
Everything is a narrative device or trope and I don't think using them is a bad thing on itself. The intent and scope of the creator should be considered - and the intent is clearly to elevate Bilquis and give her a prominent role. Otherwise we could categorise the whole thing as a voyeuristic fantasy, on par with

I am clearly referring to this series, not the overall state of the country. And to expect a show about gods to address all these issues is a bit much -though Anansi's tale I think made a good effort.
Laura is one of the protagonists so it makes sense to have her history from her perspective. Bilquis is a goddess and

In this series the main white female character is visibly disintegrating in front of our eyes. Compared to Bilquis she really has it rough.

Is he the strings guy? I never made the connection.

"I've made a huge me-steak"

It might have been the "shiny trinket maneuver" all over again.

Also, the photo looked like it was taken in Santorini, Greece, an sland known for its gay character.

Also, the photo looked like it was taken in Santorini, Greece, an sland known for its gay character.