
Thr N64 is one of the best controllers ever made and I will die defending this hill! The control stick, when not broken, has the best feel of any control stick ice ever used on any controller. It’s springy and has a nice resistance modern control sticks lack. It’s still my favorite control stick design, if they can

Sony didn't.

This is all correct. Luke is just a jaded old gamer it seems like.

They aren't increasing the price of basic NSO. It's an add&on not required.

Yeah, as a Nintendo kid during the 16 bit era who learned to not buy into the console wars when I bought a Dreamcast and an N64/GameCube this was really trippy. I might have to get a genesis controller just to witness a Sega controller plugged into a Nintendo machine.

really curious what the construction of the n64 control stick will be like.

Oh wow yeah. That is pretty stunning. Yeah I really hope it does get better. I agree it does seem hopeless sometimes though.

I like all of you.

wow that sounds like a trip. I’m from the bay area so the income inequality and all that is pretty harsh here and getting worse. Homelessness is pretty segregated here with the exception of specific neighborhoods of san francisco. But yeah its hard to live with knowing you cant do much about it.

how do you like living in cape town? I mean other than the lack of access to ikea.

who are these people who want this fake techno/hip-hop gamer design? Who sees it and is like, yeah! that looks like something I want in my house!

Ikea is a lot like in-n-out. Is it the best burger you can buy? no, absolutely not. Is it the best burger you can buy for 5 dollars? Absolutely. Will a 10 dollar burger be 2x better? Probably not.

It seems likely that there was a fight internally over this. Given all the caveats you listed I assume there were people internally who felt it was too complicated and they should just leave it out. Those people seem to have lost the battle but it isn’t without merit it was left out. This is kinda convoluted and

100% this. And imho they should be noting what people worked on.

Should your name be lower than other people who made larger contributions to the game? Yes. Should your work for a day or two be included in the credits, I think so!

Luke Plunkett’s favorite hobby horse is attacking anything blockchain related. He’s short sighted and on a personal crusade against something he authentically does not understand and doesn’t seem to care that it is attempting to fix real problems. He uses strawmen like supposed ecological collapse because he needs

Everything you have said on this could be said about the internet. You’re an old man yelling at clouds at this point.

Haven’t you heard? PC is dead!

For real. attack of the clones took every hope star wars kids had and said to them, fuck you and fuck your dreams. I do whatever the fuck I want cause I am fucking george lucas

You must be young. The prequals destroyed the mystique and beauty of star wars. Of course people dislike it, they’re garbage. The only way I can imagine you can’t understand that is if you started with the prequals.