Titus Chester

This is why I read all of the books, even though I think a better approach is to watch each season and then read the book for that season so you get the gist first and then the backstory and details second.

Who is he supposed to be though?

Why don't you guys put dorkly on here?

Is there online multiplayer? Or is it the same old BS Nintendo local split screen only.

I remember it being awesome on the Jaguar but I don't know if that was my little kid brain or if it was actually awesome.

The first time I saw one of these I chuckled but it bothers me that they're trolling people in the game besides their name by blocking them and attacking their team. I wish Kotaku would stop encouraging this type of behavior by giving them exposure.

This is great. I never use these because I rodeo titans fine without them. Now that I see how to use them to bait in a stryder I will set up a class. Also subbed your youtube.

How is CoD on xbox one? I play titanfall and absolutely nobody talks and it blows my mind it's so quiet. I wasn't sure if you could hear the other team in the lobby between rounds until I had played for 10 hours and someone coughed.

So now can we build bigger cities?

Slightly off-topic: I really hope they make those dinosaurs or whatever monsters actually engage the players and be a real threat on one or two maps. I just want to see that enemy of my enemy stuff.

I really hope that they make the "xbox record that" significantly better because it looks like absolute dog shit right now. I tried sharing a clip of 30 seconds of me destroying people in Titanfall (a rare occurrence) and they just made fun of the shitty choppy video.

I want to know why the price hasn't gone up in how many years? I remember paying 65 dollars for a sega saturn game.

I was in the minority. I was like, I can't play Titanfall so I'll load up Asscreed4, but then I can't save. Not the end of the world but a bummer after saving up to buy the console and tracking it obsessively through UPS.

I had this one:

Can anyone tell me if this is worth getting for the gladiator combat only? I was a huge Shadow of Rome fan and would just run through the different arenas. I only played through the story to unlock the arenas. Are there different types in this like there were in shadow of rome? Women, midgets, giants, etc? How do the

I just hope they crackdown more on the peoples hacking scores. I'd look at the number 1 runs for tracks and it's just guys doing a flip and laying there for 2 minutes and nothing. It really kills my motivation to try for a better score which is what this game is all about.

"The entity" with the "flexi-grips".

Lol he is. Just trolling Siveria.

I've got a friend who works high up in Microsoft that says it's going to be a xenogears sequel. I can't wait.

Medieval 3. That is all.