Titus Andronicus

They should open back up. Gamestop stores are relatively small. Gamestop employees can easily manage a small group of people. Hell, they can literally take one person at a time. Sure if you don’t want to wait then you go elsewhere, like Target or Walmart. However, for those whose only option is Gamestop, waiting in

Saw this headline and literally LOL’d.

I really don’t understand the fascination that white people have with black people and “doing the racism”.

I’m moving on to rebels soon too, I’ve finally gotten around to watching the clone wars and this last season has me really excited to start rebels.

No Bebop? Really?

Such a classic!

Points for your handle.

Oh god, why would you recommend Evangelion when we are already all depressed and stressed? Are you trying to kill us all? I suppose, It All Returns To Nothing....

Lot of us got white dad's that ain't mean we all out here forgiving this nonsense.. My all the way white sister who spent her entire childhood as a blonde girl in east flatbush ain't never had cause to blurt that shit out.. So why is some simple Skeeter Pigbanger blurting it out playing racing games online 

Fox had a woman wearing pants on air?

I read it as Trump stamp

Nerd girl here.  There have been DC/Marvel crossover books before so Batman if he were in the Marvel universe long enough to request a visa could potentially go to Wakanda.

The Child, for the most part, was portrayed by a very real, very expensive puppet, so no uncanny valley 3D nonsense there... also, it had hair and it was pretty noticeable. maybe you were watching it on an iWatch?

“oh no no no no no no”

Trans women are destroying every sports record set by women around the world. It’s a problem.

That being said, I’d be all for us setting up leagues for trans students to play, but there may not be enough population for them in some areas? I’m not sure what a good solution would be. 

200 more Pokemon being added in a $30 expansion pass.

They took them out, to resell them to us.

What a time to be alive.

I can't believe people take video game cosmetics this seriously, but here we are.

Who the fuck decided the best use for 1/3rd of the screen was empty space, to make reading articles as cramped and uncomfortable an experience as possible.

Possibly a more pressing question: what are you doing snooping on your partner's phone?

Wait, Ash’s mom has a name?! And it’s not “Ash’s Mom”?