Titus Andronicus

“What we are looking to do,” Kaplan added, “is make her more viable in more situations. I think right now she’s perceived as being OK or acceptable if you’re playing on defense on a first point, or early in a match. Other than that, we really don’t see Symmetra as being super viable in a lot of other situations.”

If you waited 15 minutes there wouldn’t be a need to post anything. But it’s Overwatch and you cannot help yourselves.

Investors are confused!

...they simply bought cheap poke trainer outfits on Amazon and got a friend to snap pictures.

Not for the 1st time,

I’m diggin it.

Cute poop emojis are ok

“Yo where the fuck am I” - Jorah Mormont

Well, he’s not wrong.

Agreed. Why is every hacker in sequins and nut-hugger jeans and stupid flat brimmed hats. Ugh its like art direction came from 2001 MTV Marketing department

You’re an asshole.

This is why we can’t have ice things.

I am a Mei main and I approve of this cosplay.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.