Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has been busy highlighting key pieces of the Pentagon’s upcoming budget that will be…
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has been busy highlighting key pieces of the Pentagon’s upcoming budget that will be…
Twenty-five years ago today, President George H.W. Bush announced the execution of Operation Desert Storm. It was…
I am not sure what the deal was during last night’s debates when it came to some of the candidates wanting to share…
Here’s a question: could it have fizzled? I remember in The Sum of All Fears (the book, not the movie) they (SPOILER ALERT) build an H-bomb that fizzles. The first stage (i.e. fission) goes off and still does quite a bit of damage, but the fusion part never quite takes. I know the most likely explanation is that…
U.N. Security Council Meeting:
So basically he put some Mentos in a 2 litre of coke in his mom's basement?
Here is what we do. We roll our eyes, say “that’s nice Kim dear” and then we go about business as usual and ignore him. He’s more a threat to his own citizens than he is anyone else.
I can’t see what you did there
In a video shot aboard Air Force One as it was on its way from the G20 Summit in Turkey to the APEC Summit in the…
Russia has now integrated its strategic bomber assets into its air campaign in Syria. Tu-22M3s Backfires, Tu-95MS…
Ah yes, we’ll have the Thunderbirds put on an airshow over Raqqa. That should do it. They’ll be so awestruck by our tight formation flying and ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ that they’ll drop their weapons and immediately rethink this whole Caliphate thing.
Twelve French aircraft, ten of which were fighters, dropped 20 munitions on the de-facto ISIS capital of Raqqa in…
A day after the horrific events in Paris, intelligence and law enforcement officials are scrambling trying to find…
What is clearly a well-planned, multiple-pronged terror attack has hammered locations around Paris tonight. Here is…
Justin Majeczky was perched high above the Golden Gate Bridge on Slacker Hill executing some time-lapse photography…
Even after the U.S. and Russia have supposedly worked out deconfliction procedures should their combat aircraft come…