Tittle or GTFO

Not uncomfortable, just bored. Nobody needs to be crucified for having a bad idea like this, they just need to be ignored.

Thanks for not going on a huge gender equality in games rant here, just acknowledge it's ridiculous and move on, the way it should be. Crap like this barely deserves that much publicity as it is.

Remember Playmaker mode? I have no idea why they don't go back and improve on that. Calling out receivers to block for you when you broke a run was pretty amazing.

That's seriously how it goes. Only we kinda just mope back with our heads down. Like George Michael.

Ah, a troll. Gotcha.

I can't wait for this. Haters gonna hate, but X was, and still is, my favourite in the series. *Ducks*

Am i the only FF fans, who love FF X's story.. I mean, i admit i cry when Yuna said "I love you" to Tidus at the end of the game...

I haven't, but if that's the case, this is even worse. Maybe I'm overly-sensitive as the daughter of an alcoholic, but I know first hand the damage it can cause. Acknowledging that he struggled is one thing. Waving that away to put his name on a bloody advert in the hopes that it will move product is another.

"We got Shannon Lee, Bruce Lee's daughter, to come aboard after we backed a pick-up truck of money up to the Lee home". Fixed that for you, Joseph Kahn. As a big Bruce Lee fan I have no doubt in my mind he'd never do a commercial like this. Shameful.

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

The internet forgives nothing!

but he's wrong. thats not opinionated, rather its hating with an incorrect fact. it isn't a seperate mode like Assassins creed, its integrated into the game ala dark souls. thats why I called him a troll

They're going to keep going glove, so I should cheat glove. But what if they know I know, and they go stick? Then I better cheat stick. But what if they know I know and am ready for them to go stick? Better cheat glove.

(and it was almost difficult to blame them considering the fully exposed legs paraded around)

of the Super Nintendo Shadowrun game

I hate the Xbox controller. It doesn't feel comfortable for me at all outside of FPS. And I really don't play a lot of FPS.

You're right... no human being... would stack books like this.