
I would also disagree with your premise that Latinos are the only culture who demand that they are not a monolithic culture. Remember the war in Iraq? One of the main socio-political obstacles to peace was the monolithic lumping of the cultures in that region. And let's not forget that until recently we talked about

I was speaking sardonically in the last series of questions. Those are rhetorical questions mean to demonstrate that Latinos are not a monolithic culture. We share a language. Sometimes we share a religion. We certainly share a violent colonial history. I personally identify with Pan-Latin American culture. I

I love Rosa and Santiago!

I could not have said it better myself!

And I might add that we have other genres of film and television besides the fucking telenovela! Why must all latina centered shows in the US have to have the telenovela schtick!!!!! I'm thinking specifically about the show that Eva Longoria is producing about maids (for fuck's sake).

Oh boy. Yo soy Latina. I'm bilingual. I'm bicultural. I'm an immigrant. I don't watch novelas. I'm staunchly pro-choice and (on an unrelated note) I don't want to have a million babies, or even one. I'm into tarot cards and saints and the Pope. I'm queer. I love tight clothes and have long shiny black hair. But

I'm sorry but what the fuck does "want to think of themselves as heroes" mean? I am not trying to be a Latina martyr now. This speech. I'm so confused. What culture? Latinos at large? Puerto Ricans? Or the Cuban she plays on TV? Or Caribbean culture?

I have not given the show a chance because I was afraid it would be full of Latina stereotypes. I am particularly sensitive about reproductive rights in the Latino community. Abortion is still a taboo amongst many Latinos. I want to see representations of pro-choice Latina women.

I am definitely a vintage shopper. I have so many table wares and knick knacks. This is a small portion of my finds. I am a sucker for Rosenthal vases, southwest pottery, baskets, prints and drawings, photographs...Here you can spot a Japanese bell, a Danish trinket holder, vintage tins, candle holders....

I'm sure that they were very thrilled to have a weekend away in Baltimore. What an exciting getaway.