And two years later...
And two years later...
“and I’ve still got your money” is the hardest anyone has ever been burnt.
*reads label*
Fun fact: if you're proud to be white, you can drink bleach to become *even whiter*! Own those libs!
I would’ve never guessed TJ Maxx and Marshall’s sold so much Nike shit.
As a liberal, I don’t feel like I’m being owned enough. I suggest they keep literally playing with fire on their property, just to show just how strong-willed and patriotic they are.
What a hypocrite. He’s been stretching that shirt out for YEARS.
I know this will be shocking to you, but some of us went to A&M and managed to not get all that caught up in the “A&M-ness” of the place. I managed to go to 90% of home football games, was even stupid enough to camp out in front of G. Rollie for A&M-UT football tickets, and I’ve probably been a “former student” for…
I’m an A&M alum, so I might be biased. But they should come down as hard as possible on this kind of “coaching.” I don’t care if the program gets pushed back to the Stone Age. This gets young men injured and killed. Zero tolerance. Common human decency should outweigh money and winning.
I think Melania is unhappy because she thought she’d be a wealthy widow years ago, and married to husband #2 and have more kids by now. I think she took one look at Trump’s diet and aversion to exercise and assumed she’d be a widow within a year or two. That’s probably why she signed the prenup. Even with his…
I remember when Michael Sam kissing a man was a distraction.