Title IX


I love it, but I think your points are completely true. Not only that, but the Obama WH is a space where people are more to the left- there is still tons of sexism on the left, but men are less likely to admit to and embrace it. In an actively hostile work environment, or even a more neutral space, women sticking up

I kind of hate this tbh. I mean the outcome is great but it’s so damn depressing women needed to do this. And what if you work with women who don’t think sexism in the workplace is a thing?

Let me explain to you why your workplace is diverse enough, dear.

It also requires that the women you work with are able to see the disparity, and want to change it.

Most of u know that I have been a special needs teacher/administrator for nearly 18 years, the only job I have ever known. Excuse me now, there is a huge lump in my throat and I’m sobbing as I write this. Of the hundreds of children with special needs that I have worked with, I can tell you that every single one of

Hell, I may not always agree with Hillary, but she’s got the best damn resume of any profoundly mentally impaired woman I’ve ever seen.

It’s a good point, though, and I don’t think it’s nitpicking.

This is kinda me being a pedant but I do think it’s actually an important point.

For someone who says he loves his whiteness he surely covered it.

I mean, if a person named “Smith” hails from a lineage of blacksmiths...

Just as a reminder: We *KNOW* that George W. Bush was a legacy admit and a subpar student at Yale. SOOOO interesting that considering race as a factor is the only part of that process considered “unfair”!

cool then enjoy this Surya Bonaly backflip

Wierdest thing when my brother shows up in my dreams is I am so much older than he was when he died, but he’s still my older brother.

If you want your children to see these things, here’s a novel idea- take them whale watching! Let them see orcas in their natural habitat! Not in what amounts to a fish bowl for unhappy cetaceans. The whales deserve better, and if you really want your children to learn about orcas, the kids deserve better too.

We already fucking know why!

In my old office, it was called a “cat fight” when we complained to the male boss about the female employee who was sexually harassing people, showing up to work drunk or high (when she showed up at all), not producing a single stitch of work for an entire year, and more than likely embezzling from the firm.

I will never understand how the defense of an inadequate punishment is so often “because it would ruin his career.”

His next demotion will be to RA in an all-girls dorm.

hot take: