Fascim : " Welcome, We have such sights for you"
Fascim : " Welcome, We have such sights for you"
Parenting is hard on your neck of the woods i see.
Rob Marshall really?
Oh that’s why when Liev Shreiber was angry at him in Ray Donovan. It wasn’t acting him then...
Thing is she, so far, walk the talk. Discreetly.
Somebody is projecting a fucking lot. I don’t care for feminism but this itch here of all the up & coming blandastic young white female conservatives always surprised me as very coached and mostly about her brand.
Writing it down for my next Pleasure/Business travel. One thing I would say for the “Natural” Hair movement. It needs a more scientific & Vulgarisations like approach. Not that it’s s lacking. You have tremendous work like The Science of Black Hair. Yet it is not very well know outside of the hardcore and the nerd…
As a sport dilletante, who dabbed into tennis. New fresh yellows do have a nice smell to them.
She's past it comparatively to whom? Federer?
So the Smiths couldn’t have found any transracial adoptee?
They didn’t read for the most. You are giving them too much credits thinking they’d even understand.
If they want so much accuracy that mermaid business would be R+16 or whatever ratings is for 16 and above coz Andersen didn’t play with you soft cocks.
This is not the first time, he got some dodgy white pomys harasskng hil when he was in London after a gig. He was super chill and trying to have a good time. Super weird.
Now the moment of truf from the powers that be and the public.
Who is that bloke who looks like a make up free Marylin Manson Circa Son Of Anarchy?
Reckless endangerment from the get go. SUE. The security guard,the cops,the hospital, the city, Their mama's everyone.
Familiar with the type, now he is selling what we have know for centuries, Syntropy is key. Timed grazing and nurturing of local flora and fauna from the Dung battle to the elephant are keys. Polyculture and nutrient cycling are too.
Girl clean your house FIRST.
Nova out there selling other people’s business while failing to unpack her own trash ass behaviour: