
Dying for elevator horror stories in this thread.

Says the sad middle aged man who sees no issues with sexual grooming.

Oh you’re in your 40s and you’ve convoluted opinions about grooming extremely young women for a sexual relationship? No wonder you salivate over the stories about older men preying on young girls.

It’s exactly what you said.

Right. After dozens of posts trying to help you push past your focus on legality, it’s others who are limited in their capacity and morality. Mmm hmm. Enjoy those mind games you play with yourself about sexual grooming and keep mindlessly enjoying the stupid tropes old white men sell you.

No it doesn’t offend my morals. Bu keep enjoying your old wet dreams.

LOL two consenting adults. Keep dreaming. You’re incapable of seeing past your own desires.

Good job identifying yourself as a rapist.

You don’t understand the nuance in the power difference there?

ikr? Oh that neighbor down the street? He’s fine. He only drugged and raped a little girl thirty years ago. He makes great homemade jam.

It’s disgusting and an aging man’s wet dream. It’s unoriginal and has been done to death by men who see themselves declining in power and importance throughout art. It’s not “icky” it’s an obvious grooming behavior put on film by Allen.

Wow the mental gymnastics here.

“The cutest profession”? How condescending.

How in the fuck have I never heard about this. I am so embarrassed. Thanks for the info.

You are so aggressive.

What is your deal? That poster is not making excuses for Hitler.

y u hate the profession tho?

Historians have dismissed the bogus claim that Hitler’s father was a Jew.

He is a racist con man. But he’s also stirred up and given a platform for the kind of out of control “us against them” mentality that is needed to make deportations, camps and the like possible. So he’s more than just a con man because he’s giving political movement to that kind of sentiment.

He’s saying that Hitler and company were not boogey men but human beings who should be held responsible for their actions. Dressing them up as monsters also takes away the responsibility of those who stood around and let them be (you cannot fight a monster but you can a man). Additionally, it’s dangerous to allow