
I guess you didn't read the article. She talks about how women fear telling the police. How the media portrays high profile cases like this and how it can affect someone's effort to tell anyone. She believes that the reason it took so long for her to tell anyone is because the accuser thought nothing would come of it.

Yeah, the evidence that "exonerates" Winston doesn't exactly paint him as an awesome dude. It's all pretty gross.

You have obviously never been sexually assaulted, because if you had been you would understand why she was afraid of not bringing charges against the hometown football hero, who just happened to take his team to the BCS Championship and will most likely be the Heisman winner this year. If you have a daughter(s), or

Gentlemen all around.

Thank you for telling your story here, that can't have been easy.

...he later told police that he in fact had entered the room to see if he could also have sex with the alleged victim, as he and Winston had done in the past.

Can we all agree that Meggs acted like an asshat?

I am a prosecutor (in Canada). A "he said/she said" sexual assault charge is one of the most difficult type of cases to prove, especially if there are no injuries, because the standard of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt. Unless the accused totally shits the bed on the stand, it's hard to meet that standard when

Even more troubling is the fact that one witness, Chris Casher, admitted to police that he was untruthful in his affidavit. Casher's affidavit states that he interrupted Winston and the alleged victim as a "joke;" he later told police that he in fact had entered the room to see if he could also have sex with the

Very good post.

Props for sharing a painful memory.

I don't think she said he was guilty. I think, if you read the piece, she said she didn't know what happened that night. She said she believed the accuser. There's a difference.

Was there a different title up there before? Because "Why I believe Jameis Winston's Accuser" doesn't seem out of bounds to me. Newspapers often publish editorials where the title is an opinion, and it's understood the opinion belongs to the author, not the paper as a whole. Since every Gawker site is designed to be

Thank you for speaking out!

As a lawyer, all I can say is this is only the beginning of your questioning. And that's a good thing.

This more or less gets to a lot of the problems I've had about the reaction to the revelation that no charges were being brought. I have no problem presuming innocence, but I am not going to assume the victim in a sexual assault case is lying based solely on a decision not to prosecute. Because it's that kind of

I'm a second-year law student, and this whole thing haunts me. For the longest time, I wanted to be a prosecutor, putting the bad guys away. This gives me pause. Meggs's laughing and seeming nonchalance at the press conference aside, how do you win? In every jurisdiction, there are people above the law. Like it or


The most sickening thing about this was hearing Lester Munson talk on the radio about how clear it was that Winston was innocent. When asked why it was so clear, he pointed to the affidavits from the witnesses. It was barely even mentioned that both witnesses were friends of Winston and it was never even approached

I applaud Deadspin for publishing this. The only question is how long it will be until the comments are closed.