
To be fair, he totally did enjoy it. It’s my favorite as well :) Easy to love! I can’t sing to save my life, so I’m delighted to do all I can to support those who do, and it is a REALLY tough road. My favorite members events at the Met are always the Young Artist recitals; they work so hard and it really shows.

I mean I have no idea what other people hear. It doesn’t sound like screaming to me! And yes, some people do love it, but some I think just aren’t prepared for it.

Oh this was wonderful to read! Making opera more affordable is such a thorny issue...I know why it’s so expensive, especially at the Met, but it does bother me that operas that were once a totally populist affair are tarred with this fancy brush. I took a guy I was dating to see Les Contes d’Hoffman, and at one point

No, they’re definitely not all gems. But tbh I think you have to see a fairly decent amount of opera before you’re qualified to say if it was good or bad. You can say you liked it or didn’t like it, but you can’t really judge whether or not it succeeds at meeting a standard of operatic quality if it’s the only opera

Hahha my friends are okay. And in the abstract, they all say they would like to go! But when asked to choose right that second between happy hour and listening to someone sing in French for three hours, many of them tap out unless heavily coerced. Opera is sort of the theatrical equivalent of the Serious Oscar Best

Having sex = less embarassing

Probably pretty bad, but singing with headphones in makes anyone without perfect pitch significantly worse. Because you can’t really hear your own voice, you’re basically guaranteed to go off-key.

I mean, history is on your side there. But I do hope that every financially successful movie starring/created by POC makes it a little easier for people who backed once to see their way to backing another one.

Not to worry. Was *thinking* about just leaving it unanswered so he can see I wasn’t taking it, but you’re right, should dismiss in case anyone else attempts to.

Oh, that’s spectacular. Can’t think of a studio more experienced in taking a movie that seems too niche to go the distance all the way to Best Picture. Cannot wait to see it, and fingers crossed that next year’s Academy Awards look very different than this year’s.

I’m super into this little girl, and sent some money her way last night. But I was a little curious after reading a portion of the quote from her mother that was edited out of this article as to why the donations are going to a library in Jamaica instead of say, Philadelphia.

I’m super into this little girl, and sent some money her way last night. But I was a little curious after reading a portion of the quote from her mother that was edited out of this article as to why the donations are going to a library in Jamaica instead of say, Philadelphia.

My father was a taxi driver, and I am INSANE about making sure I tip my drivers. But every Uber driver I’ve ever had flat-out refuses a cash tip, and the website and app says you don’t need it, so I eventually stopped asking. Disappointed to hear that it’s the result of yet another shady business practice from Uber.

Dear Ammon Bundy: go fuck yourself with a Portlandia DVD. You have all that lube, after all.

Yes, it happens. Usually when I’m in a hurry and thinking about other things, or I have to go really badly and have to wrestle off some undergarments (remember, women don’t just whip it out! Depending on the season I may have to wriggle out of a pencil skirt, a pair of Spanx, AND underwear before anything even

I mean, as I say, I use the service infrequently and I’m not shocked they lied, but when the app literally tells you, “there’s no need to tip,” it’s a bit unfair to tell people they should have known to tip.

Thank you, yeah, that’s what I thought. Found all these posts saying that people don’t bother to tip confusing. Uber makes it pretty explicit at least on the user end that you’re not supposed to, although I guess I’m not surprised given their general business ethics that there was something shady about it. I don’t

I thought it was included in the price of the fare—that the driver got like 80% of the price I was shown. I don’t even know how to tip on an Uber, and the app doesn’t prompt you to do it. If the drivers aren’t fussing at the company to making tipping clear to users, they should be.

Exactly. So glad someone said it. I don’t listen to much rap and hip-hop mainly because I’m uninterested in a lot of the classic subject matter, but in the sense of “all publicity is good publicity,” Macklemore provides an entry point into the form, and tbh, provided a lot of free publicity for Kendrick Lamar and a

I’m pretty sure I didn’t ask you what you thought about it. I’m pretty sure I asked someone who had actually BEEN in that position what THEY thought of it. You could argue that the entire prospect of paying someone to deliver food at all, ever, under any weather conditions is unbearably servile and dangerous given the