titan arum

Well, I'd say "cheer up", but that's the stupidest advice ever. Just make sure you fall asleep in the recovery position!

I get it. Good fishing, Sir.

They did utilise cliffhanger-style endings, so I found coming to it late, and listening to them in batches, a lot easier and more palatable.

It seems she was nearly at the bottom of a very, very steep decline by the time of the trials.

No offence guy, but you seem to have really gone out of your way to maintain your ignorance.

Look at that coin she's holding - she's so tiny!

In relation to the subject, this week's Undisclosed was pretty astounding. Plus next week will be about Adnan's lawyer, which should be an eye-opening look into incompetence.

Quick! To the internet to complain how bad it is compared to the first season!

And, somewhat ironically, I don't even know what that clip is from. I'd assume some recent Harry Enfield show I haven't watched. He's not been funny in twenty years. Still, Big Suze!

It mirrors the camera movement up, from the shop window, and the upper floor windows. The light is emanating from our point-of-view, and it is entirely intentional.

Are you in the UK? I thought it got pretty big exposure over here, I think I learned about it on the Guardian website, or something.

No, it was the Kimp all along!

It's like an oversized puppet show, but with live musical accompaniment. If it visits your town, you should definitely get a ticket.

A great, great song, a personal favourite.


Man, it's like you're crawling in my skin.

Not big enough to take a shit in! That would really hurt.


That joke doesn't make any sense.

Pun threads on this website need to get murdered and dumped in Leakin Park.