
50-75k volts. I have ridden the lightning before. Any lower voltage than 50k will just cause pain, not incapacitation. Plenty of youtubes showing that.

I stopped reading when I got to the part where she thought signing the ticket was an admission to guilt. THEY FUCKING TELL YOU THAT IT'S NOT AND THAT IT'S JUST TO SHOW YOU RECIEVED THE TICKET! Fucking unreal. Good thing in FL if you refuse to sign they just say 'ok', then toss it in your car and go to the next call.

Discovered last week eh? How about as soon as the server update came out a month ago. So fucking glad quick match is working again. That's all I wanted fixed.

He's one of them bloggers, honey.

One of the greatest moments in tv/movie history. Nothing has come close since that episode aired.

Your powers of observation are astounding.

Pretty sure SkyWalker Sound ripped the audio bit at 1:10-1:11 and used it in TPM Pod Race.


You first have to bust people with nice things. Doing that it Detroit? Eeeeeeh they might be better off keeping the Dodge.

Thank you for that. Just finished cleaning up coffee I spit all over my iPad.

Same here. She will bark and stare at the iPad, cocking her head when I talk. I love it.

I have read quite a few reviews. The consensus seems to be that's it's a nice product. However, every review talked quite a bit about the inflated number of steps to calorie count and so on. Seems to have good battery life on the medium size model. Up to 7 days. Wish I could demo one before dropping the money on it.

Has anyone here used the fuel band? If so, mind sharing thoughts on it? I'm debating on getting one. I used to use RunKeeper but Im tired of it. I don't listen to music while working out and have no need to carry the phone with me.

Sigh. What a nice country accompanied by people who know how the fuck to drive. See a car coming? Move out of the way. See a car coming? DON'T get in its way and be an asshat.

No shit, right? What a stupid thing to say.

Yeah I can see that as well now that you say that.

Shouldn't it have started with the accident first? Theeen run through the hospital, physical therapy, training, etc?

Ahaha....hahahahah! I was seriously only expecting a bus to stop in front of them and unload/load passengers. I love it when a plan comes together.

Ha...ahahah. Man, that's awesome...I guess. I laughed pretty hard.

Still, the argument you and others are making about why spend the money on a DSLR if you are not going to shoot RAW is stupid. Some people want to learn DSLR controls and have control over the shot. I'd say 80% of the people that own them don't shoot RAW and don't care to learn PP techniques beyond adjusting B/C and