
Whaaaat? He isn't? I went to go type it into google and surprise surprise.

That's a pretty lame excuse though. Spend the extra $10-$20 and get a 16gb class 10 card. Problem solved. I have shot all day in RAW+JPG at air shows firing shots from my 7D with no problem.

YOUR Internet should be stripped because you obviously didn't get mine. Fail.

Your star should be stripped for bashing the A10 like that. For shame.

Uuugh that show is pure torture to watch. Season 1 meh, season 2 is complete trash. Nothing of value comes out of that place. Herp durp watch us duct tape a taser to a shotgun.

Agreed. The show is god fucking awful.

Said it once and I'll say it again. Phones should not let you record if still I portrait mode. Every time I see it I want to slap the phone from that persons hands.

Ahhh yes yes. I can read, I swear.

Yesssss! Why you no link, orangewaxlion?!

every time I pick up and use a PS controller...I rage. What an abomination.

Is this a joke? If not...fuck that game.

Rest of the world minus the US.

I have never had a car that had backup lights that were worth a damn. It's more of a warning/caution thing. I'm glad cars have them because in parking lots, it allows me to ready my hand to blast the fucking horn. 99.9% chance the soccer mom isn't paying a bit of fucking attention and is about to floor it in reverse.


Noooope. I haven't lost hope just yet.

Is this a reaction to the mod or the gay porn video about a dude picking up a kid from the airport, driving around and filming themselves?

Not really since air is 76% nitrogen to begin with.

I'm waiting for the gif. Come on guys don't let me down. You know the one.

MEN, HEAR ME! Don't watch the show because of the sex and titties! It adds nothing to the series and we should advert our eyes!

Federal law requires at least one light be working when a vehicle is put in reverse. A few states dont have it on their checklist during inspection. But you can get a ticket for it. Rare because of the chances of backing up in front of a cop.