
That was the most disturbing outro I have seen to date.

Can't tell if serious or not.

You wrote the exact same post I was going to write. By far the best episode of the season IMO.

Kinda like, Hurley, on Lost. You would have thought that would have been a motivating factor to lose major pounds before he croaks sooner than not.

What do I do with mine?

"Until we get to that point if you have a similarly broken small part for which you can't find a replacement..."

The pilot of that plane had numerous safety violations and was risky as fuck. He should have been let go long before that incident occurred. In fact, I think the family members of all who was on board minus the family of the pilot filed charges. Could be wrong but I remember reading that somewhere.

Damn, you beat me for sure. It's the first thing I thought of.

You know what this article needs? A link to the Sam Biddle article bashing people that do this. You know, since it clearly affects him and anyone who stands in such line is a "virginal troglodyte."

it's been a loooong time since I have seen it as well but its immediately the first thing I thought of when I watched the clip of SH.

Now playing

Pft. Brutal? Ricky O doesn't know the sense of the word. Prepare yourself.

Heres the thing. 10 years ago, sure, it would have been worth it. Equipment was expensive, the market was small. Easier to get into. Getting your hands on PS, AE,FCP, etc was a little tough. Today, ANYONE can get thier hands or software for free and have rigs to run it. You're competing with the 15y/o kid that has a

Rofl! I heard it too! And I. Cant. Fucking. Wait! Mhmmm USAS and my trusty M249. Tough decisions.

Had to watch that just for Cpt. Sassy Pants. That entire parody is one of my all time favorites. I like hearing the audiences reaction though.

...EXPLAIN YOURSELF! Is this not coming to the iPad? It can surely run it by the looks of it.

You mean Spaceball 1 that just keeps going and going.

Holy smokes! iOS games are looking better than ever. It's amazing what devs can do.

I'm going to add Full Sail University to that list as well.

That's entirely the point. The game isnt meant to be played hours on end, although people do. It's meant to be played on the go, when you are killing time between events. 10 minutes here 10 minutes there.

Your powers of observation are strong, friend. Everyone is fine and the damage minimal.