
Read your comment while the video loaded. I enjoyed my hearty laugh. Thank you.

Rough here in FL as well.

Urban legend fail. I was also told the same thing years ago. Romberry is correct.

If you have eaten beef in the last 25 years, you haven't been eating the real stuff. The vast majority of people don't even know what real beef is supposed to taste like. Might as well call it Corn Beef(not hash).

The guy that made the video was on the Today Show this morning. I wanted to hulk smash my TV when he opened his mouth. We know who Kony is, dude. Congratulations, you were able to stir up millions of teens around the U.S who don't have any idea of what's going on outside their parents houses. Asking them to donate and

Varied library =! Quality library.

Or that it is truly a fucking pain in the ass to code for. If its not exclusive and needs to be ported to all 3 systems, they can only optimize for the PS3 so much. Time is money. That's what it comes down to. How much is the publisher/developer going to invest.

My god. The PS3 is truly a piece of crap. After 5 years, coding for it is still a hassle. It seems like if it's not a exclusive title, worry, it might play like shit. Hope the PS4 can produce.

Ohhh yeah man I know what you mean. I bet people that play this on the 360 will end up offing themselves once they realize what they are missing by not playing on a PC.

Ok? I was really just trying to point out what a bogus statement the OP made. Gorilla Glass or not, that shit will break all the same.

Invisible Shield+Otterbox Defender since day 1 of the iP4. I take it out ever 4 months or so and give the case and rubber mold a wash to get rid of dust and grit. I have dropped it a few times and the case has done its job. Looks like it just came out of the box.

Really? That naive huh? Girlfriend just bought a 4S. Told her to get a Otterbox Defender case ASAP. The very next day, dropped it from waste level. Fucking shattered that mightY Gorilla Glass into thousands or pieces. That's some strong shit I tell ya.

i don't think Suzuki or Audi needed any help ruining their reputation. CR does its testing and writes their OPINION based on the tests and gives the results. Just like any other damn car blog or tech magazine. They are just another resource when doing your homework on your next purchase. If you rely solely on CR and

Oh lord here we go again. Same words have been uttered by many and you know what? By the end of the game, it wont mean jack shit. There will be 2 MAYBE 3 outcomes and that's it. Just tell a good story and be done with it and have the choices we make effect the gameplay.

Dammit. I meant to type King Corn. Thanks.

Maybe he didn't 'just' buy it and doesn't see the need to upgrade? Like me.

Even if you didn't buy it from there. No joking. I have returned shit to Walmart that I didn't even buy there...and over a year old.

If anyone is interested at all on the subject, you should watch "Corn" on Netflix. It's very interesting.

Hell no. Croutons are the absolute worst. Right below creamy dressing. The best is to make your own. Grab a French loaf of bread, tear it up, drizzle some garlic infused olive oil on it, and bake it. Throw on some spices if you want.

you can shove any amount of money at Gabe and you still won't get Half Life 3 anytime soon.