
According to GoPros site it's available sometime this February.

Compose shot, record, stop, playback, change settings, from your phone or remote. Hell yes.

My gf today starting talking about how her sister didn't know what smh stood for. Continuing on as if I knew what it ment. I hadn't a fucking clue and had to stop her. apparently people on FB are using it a lot she told me. I don't have a facebook account. So I'd like to thank you for typing that. I feel like FB has

This has been a must since the first GoPro hit the market. Can't freaking wait for this thing. Now they just need to release the flat lens they are holding onto that fixes the lack of focus underwater. Also a freaking ND or polarizer filter mount. I'm not doing some DIY shit that involves a tube of silicone or gel

It's here, finally! Screw that stupid LCD pac. Come oooon February!

You're a dolt. No, it isn't. $40 well spent.

Try $35k.

The 40-60 year old demographic is quite large.

To each his own. There are _plenty_ of photographers that shoot more than 5fps. Your statement about shooting video if you want more than 10fps is quite ridiculous. That alone says you don't know much about photography. Maybe not, who knows.

Except it's not meaningless in the DSLR world. Canon 7D and the 5D MKII have been used on countless TV shows and films. Hell, my 550D shoots video that rivals $20k+ cameras. But you're right, Full HD shouldn't be listed on a Nikon. One of many things they cant fully grasp yet.

...I dooont think you RTFA, but ok.

Agreed. The music of AC is some of the best. I'm not a fan of most games music, I listen and might enjoy it, but it doesn't stick. Marty O'Donnel and Jesper Kyd are the best in the industry and really have a talent to make music connect the player more to the story than just relying on gameplay. AC II has the best

You should lose that star for voting for Indy 4. I'd watch WotW a million times over than that abomination.

It's not really set in 2011. It's 125k years ago. The stoics made society what it is today. That and religion.

Here's to hoping the new episodes of Fringe will be better than the last. Absolutely awful. It's just not the same without anyone remembering Peter. I hope he finds a way back to his reality and gets the fuck out of the one he's in. It's garbage.

Exactly. We will still support it in our heads, but oppose it publicly to keep you with us to keep getting paid.

Yes, it is. Callis is also mentioned in the article.

Gaius! James Callis and Alexander Siddig are almost twins.

The similarities are spot on.

Gaius. James Callis and Alexander Siddig are almost twins.