
There are days of remembrance. People don't need to censor themselves or be afraid to crack a joke that isn't even somewhat remotely related to 9/11. A picture with police and fireman, c'mon man.

Good morning Gaius, I mean guys, sorry, you look so familiar.

Yes...we are. Move on.

enjoy. Everything you need to know and so much more.

Step 1 and 2 need to be switched. Learn the kit lens first. Understand f-stops and experiment with the 18-55. The kit lens does a great job and produces tack sharp images. Don't fall into the accessory trap of owning a DSLR. You will get laughed at for all your expensive lenses, ring lights, wireless triggers, your

Saaaame. Sigh.

I have watched a quite a few episodes. It's funny as well. I think I just connect more with the group on The League.

I'll tell you what. That show is fucking hilarious. I started watching seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix and am caught up so far. The only time I have laughed so hard at a show is when I watch Curb your Enthusiasm.

The door is over there. Don't like it, GTFO. Please don't write another ignorant article like this because you're getting all butt hurt over god damn light bulbs and snow flakes on websites. I guess you better stay of the web till after the new year then. Gonna be all bright and festive out there, lord knows you cant

Bingo! Someone gets it. Past 3 years, all Christmas shopping done on amazon. If I need to see something in person, I walk in, look, walk out. Just 2 weeks ago I wanted to check battery grips for a canon. Asked a lady if they had them, no she said. We have them on our website, let me order it for you. NOPE! I just

No. I don't want to have to pay for their 3 hots and sheets.

Longest 60 hour movie you'll sit through.

Subtitles for mumbled English you can't understand? That is more retarded than leaving it like it is.

Hi there. You must be new to these parts. We call this place the web, the net, Internet, or world wide web for you old folks. 2 things are certain here. What has been seen cannot be unseen and a comment can never be regarded as "too soon." It's going to be said at some point. No better time than the present.

Yup! My roommate at the time couldn't look at the screen because he would barf. It's really odd how I remember that feeling just before hitting the ground. No other game has given me that queezy feeling.

A dog? Freaking sad. *holds his beagle*

I got it in the h3 beta. Flying out of Valhalla and dropping from above.

With the age of GoPro cams, why don't we see the Blue Angels do this? I know there is plenty of footage of press in the backseat. I want a full POV of the entire show. Preferably jets 6 or 7.

VFR FTW! I love my 04.

Don't spoil yourself with this 6fps garbage. Just wait till the 1080 version.