Titan Master

Z attacks are ruining everything.

So this game is racist because if a black person were to walk around, it would be considered a crime to most cops...?

Or “let’s see how much unrelated shit we can possibly tie to the shooting”.

It is puzzling that you chose to use a specific mobile application as the main example, as if the fault lies with the software itself. Regardless of your intentions, it is rather misleading. You could have replaced every single mention of Pokemon Go with other actions such as “Buying a loaf of bread in the night”,

These ?

I think Japan just has a thing for butts. I know at Tokyo Disneyland, they sell treats shaped like Donald’s butt. I’d search for a picture, but I’m a bit afraid of what “Donald Butt Treat” will result in.

Awww you beat me to it XD but anyway..

Get hype for Tetris: Ressurection ‘F’, and Tetris: Super!

Honestly the fact that the base game is so simple is what intrigues me about this. How will they creatively work around that simplicity? What’s the movie going to be about, if it’s a thriller? It can’t just be Pixels all over again, so what is it going to be? I’m interested in seeing at least where they go with it.

Okay, this is by far the best, love it!

He’s growin’ on me. Still team Litten, but barely.

Inevitable amiibos are inevitable.

In a video game written by Toriyama, Dragon Ball Online, it is explained that Trunks puts his ki in the sword. Kind of like ko(?) form HunterxHunter.

Update: according to a note from Toriyama on the Super website, the enemy that the Z-Warriors will face a enemy called, quote:“Black Goku” Appetently, even the Omni King and the gods of destruction will have to get involved, after Trunks barely escaped with his live. I’m calling Popo-Goku. You can read the full,

I'm not trying to say that shin budokai has already done this... But shin budokai has already done this.

This same thing... But with nerve gear