
Indeed. I would love to see them all sued out of existance for the damage they’ve done in the world.

Let’s not foul the sun. Shoot him straight out into the cold, empty darkness for eternity, like that that filled his soul.

Mine was Diet Coke. So worth it.

It is a GOOD DAY. The world is brighter now that at least one source of evil is gone.

It doesn’t take intelligence to be a thug, and pro wrestling is all fake anyway.

Ffs, Ted’s own daughter cringes away from him when he tries to kiss her.

I’d add Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Cory Gardner, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Ron Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey (BARF) Graham, and Liz (Snake) Cheney.

No, you don’t. They can learn without destroying the feelings of others. They know better, but without real consequences, they don’t give a rats ass.

They’re too busy harrassing them at work, and making threats about losing their jobs if they don’t put out.

You really don’t get it? REALLY? Once those girls pictures are taken and sent to one other person, those pictures are out of their control, and they WILL spread online. That’s how porn often comes into being. If they need to learn the hard way, so be it. I really question WHY you’d think it was okay to punish boys,

He’s a puling four year old, angry because no one likes him. no one will ever like him.

Can you people read??? Her husband, if she has one, wasn’t there. That was HER SON, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with him except that he’s a brain dead racist like his mother and sister.

Wrong, because pregnancy is not a handicap, and her husband, if one exists, was not present. The aggressor expected them to give up the space they were in to her because she was white. When they did not do so, she attacked them.

This had NOTHING to do with their being service members, and everything to do with RACISM. That bitch Tucker wouldn’t have cared if the were nuns ffs. I was all about RACE.

Republicans then were a far different thing than the subhumans that call themselves GOPigs now. My very first vote for President was cast for Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter is a saint of a man, but he wasn’t the right man to be President in 1977, and in the end, his inability to comprehend that evil men were not going to

You mean besides the fact that she’s a brainless cow that never had an intelligent thought in her life, and can barely read the script she’s given? I’m not Mr Harriot, but I am an old white woman who judges people on their actions, not their skin color, sexual orientation, physical attractiveness, or their ability to

I think you are blind to how many heroes there are out there who aren’t dead at all. Sully (the airline Captain), Nelson Mandela, Dan Savage, Kap, Michael Bennett, Erin Brockovich, Jimmy Carter, Tammy Duckworth, Cesar Chavez, Desmond Tutu, George Takei, Crystal Lee Sutton, the list goes on and on. Hopefully, no one on

Why? They hand out the death penalty for breathing while Black.

Ask the PIGS. They’re the ones murdering innocent people and doing all the undermining. I used to support cops 100%. Now I think at least half of them are racists, cowards, or both, and most of the other half is too spineless to turn them in. Anyone who covers for a dirty PIG, is a dirty PIG.

Funny, because had he been white and she Black, he would have walked. The whole world knows how America’s corrupt, racist, (in)justice system works.

Pretty sad. You think just because YOU don’t remember it, it didn’t happen? It did. For years and years. You’d also find the lyric in Toad the Wet Sprocket’s anti-rape song ‘Hold Her Down’, which appeared on the album ‘FEAR’, released in 1991. If you looked.