
I don't love Denver, but San Diego is a shithole too. They are different kinds of shitholes.

My eyes look like that after a few drinks. Now I'm paranoid that people think I'm a coke head. I don't think that I'm thin enough to be a coke head, so I have that going for me.

One of my black friends tagged all of the biracial people on his friends list, and posted “I knew I couldn’t trust yellow people.” He was trying to be funny, but I dropped him as a friend anyway. I don't need to deal with that.

She annoys me too, but John Legend’s personality isn't much better. They both seem really self absorbed.

It may be on target for you, but he is saying that every woman that he has had sex with was like this, with the exception of his ex wife and one ‘outlier’. This is just not realistic.

I lasted for five days on this diet. It wasn't even the lack of gluten that did me in. I missed cheese. I usually put a nice Gorgonzola on my salads, Parmesan on my kale, Gruyere in my onion soup. Everything tastes boring without it.

They are definitely faking every orgasm after the first. Every 2-4 min??? This may happen in porn, but not in real life.

I read the book over the weekend, and found it poorly written, but fairly entertaining. Honestly, I don’t care if she wasn’t 100% honest about every detail. I have come to expect that from any ‘memoir’ that I read these days. That being said, I would be pissed if I had spent money on it. I’d like to give a big shout

Yep. This shit isn't going to end well.

I don't get the sucking farts out. Is this a thing?

“I’m going to fart in her face” is especially mature.

You should try the Ivy salad from Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook. It contains grilled corn, zucchini, and beets, and is the most delicious salad ever.

Then the shower floor gets slick and you fall and bust your ass! Good times!

Great article! On a somewhat related note, I am amazed that one of the featured girls first got her period at 14. My daughter (now 10) and a lot of her friends started menstruating at 9 years old. That is a huge variance, which I'm assuming is from hormones in food/dairy?

I am biracial (black/white) and had an eating disorder for years. My upper middle class African American father was obsessed with my weight, as well as the weight of every other female that he had contact with. I have seen a lot of this in more prominent African American families. It is becoming more of a class issue.

I saw a pack of deer chasing a lone coyote a couple of weeks ago. Deer are bad asses when they need to be.

I can’t stand Stacey Dash or Ben Carson, but damn they make a good looking couple.

I have every one of her workout videos, and love them all. I have never watched the biggest loser, because I have heard that she isn't very nice, and I don't want to ruin a good thing.

I feel the same way when I’m out with my husband. He is 5 years younger, but has aged so much better than I have. When we met, in our 20s, I was the more attractive one.

I quit crossfit, and did Tracy Anderson videos exclusively for six months. I wish I would’ve taken before and after photos, because the effect on my body was bizarre. I got thinner all over, but lost a lot of muscle tone in my legs and back. My shoulders were smaller, but more defined (I actually kind of liked the way