Even worse, are the assholes who post about their sex life. It's so beyond tacky and gross.
Even worse, are the assholes who post about their sex life. It's so beyond tacky and gross.
This was my thought. She is jealous because she had to starve herself for years to model, and Graham gets to eat.
I smoked for a few years in my late 20s, without inhaling. It made me feel like a bad assed rebel.
Rachel Maddow is so hot. I’m a straight female, and she gives me a lady boner.
My aunt contracted polio as a child, and had encephalitis. She is now in her 70s, with withered limbs, and permanant brain damage (she has the mental capacity of an 8 year old). It destroyed her life, and that of my grandparents. People forget how nasty this disease is.
I dated a pathological liar once, who told me that he was stabbed, while trying to defend a woman being abused by her husband. It turns out that the scar was from having his appendix removed. He also claimed to have blown through a multi million dollar inheritance, and made me a ‘homemade casserole’ that was an ‘old…
Damn, I need new friends. That's a lot of money to sit around drinking wine.
My husband’s fling was with a co-worker as well. They spent a lot of time together at work. He bought her a $300 Christmas gift. A friend of a friend saw him leaving her apartment during the workday. I was 6 months pregnant, and that was the last straw. He swears to this day that they just went to eat lunch at her…
I am 99% positive that my husband cheated on me when I was pregnant. He will never tell me. He wouldn’t even fess up in therapy. We were both working 50-60 hour weeks, and rarely saw each other. He was freaked out by the prospect of being a father. He is a much better husband now, and our relationship is much better,…
I have a gorgeous friend, who is married to an older man. He has cheated on her multiple times, and she turns a blind eye to it. She once told me “He is fat, has heart disease, and is losing his hair, because he has to carry around the guilt every day. I don’t need to punish him more by leaving him”. She is from…
I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I feel like the recent wine drinking uptrend is creating a generation of high functioning alcoholics. I have so many friends who guzzle wine noon and night, because it is deemed to be somewhat socially acceptable. When the drinking starts at noon, and continues until midnight, all…
My period cramps are 15-20% better since I started taking DIM plus. My worst nightmare is not being able to take ibuprofen anymore. My cramps are so bad some months, that I can't get out of bed until the ibuprofen kicks in. Birth control helped a lot, but made me crazy.
He is really intelligent, and actually seems quite charming in interviews. He is obviously wealthy as well. I can see why a naive-ish woman would like him.
They don’t even need to come into their looks, if they come into money (which many of them do). They then mistake wealth with attractiveness, and think that bimbos are throwing themselves at them because they are hot all of a sudden. I went out on a blind date with a guy once in my 20s, who told me that “He usually…
Me too. I hope he has someone in his life who really cares enough to encourage him to seek professional help.
There is definitely a stigma placed upon mental illness in the black community. I have a schizophrenic aunt (diagnosed years ago), and my family still claims that she has issues from a fever that she contracted in her teen years.
I identify as biracial, but am very light (Rashida Jones with green eyes). My brothers are all much darker (same parents) and have had much different experiences in life in general (harassment by police and discrimination in general). They consider themselves to be black, because that is the way that society sees…
Were they really bigger, or did they just appear to be bigger, because they were short? I've never dated a short man.
He’s a volatile drunk.