
Oh, and I have nothing against his wife. She seems awesome and super-gorgeous, just like his daughters, who are already elementary school age! What I take issue with was his concerted campaign to tell his fans to GTFO in the 1990s, and now, he's doing the Big Rich Rock Star act.

Eddie and Beth Liebling separated in 2000. He's now married to a fashion model almost half his age. So you know that "role models, roll models in blood" lyric from Vitalogy? It's now a punch line.

Eddie was my teenage hero (along with Kurt) during my parents' separation and the aftermath.

Ten blew up the year my parents got a divorce. So that PJ album was the soundtrack to my high school years of being an alienated, disaffected latchkey kid. Ed Ved sure knew what he was doing, almost too well. Which is why, I suspect, the band pulled back and their catalog got stranger and less accessible.

This installment made me chuckle. Like the author, I listened to the schlocky crap of 1995 at the time. But now, in 2012, the only "hit record" I listen to from that time period is Alice in Chains' Tripod, which I guess I liked so much, I got it on cassette and CD. My copies of the albums mentioned in this installment

The production on California is masterful. That's another great thing about buying any Patton project – no matter what year it comes out, you know it won't be subjected to the Loudness Wars.

Shit yes. And yes. Lovage laid the groundwork for Peeping Tom, IMO. Finest pop album of the 2000s, hands-down.

Me too. I'm unemployed at and rock-bottom, but the knowledge that somewhere out there, people are listening to Patton (and to a lesser degree, Jerry Cantrell) gets me through the day.

"Midlife Crisis" is an amazing song. Way better than "A Small Victory."

Oh and D'arcy Wretzky was my secret high school girlfriend. She's the real hottie.

I still love the Smashing Pumpkins oeuvre pre-lineup change. Gish, Siamese Dream, and Mellon Collie are unfuckwithable.

"Gen-Xers" – can't type this week for some reason…

Woodstock 99, to me, was Gen-Xerd proving our critics correct. We did, like the Boomer-controlled media said, suck.

Oh, and I used to say "disco sucks," too. I was ignorant. Now I realize disco does not, in fact, suck, and is responsible for most everything in my CD player, from Grandmaster Flash to The Clash to Mr. Bungle.

Like the author, I was too old for nu-metal when it came out, and was fairly dismayed by it. It did dismantle Alternative Nation.