
How is it that arguably the person most outspoken about videogames supposedly oppressing and excluding women is writing a positive article about this game?

“(Minus the Tatooine clothes being Jedi robes....that was just fucking moronic)“

These pictures make me fairly fearful of Episode VIII...feels like I’m back in 2002 and 2005 watching Attack of the Clones overly done Coruscant chase scene with too much electric guitar music and electric guitar sounding weapons and vehicles as well as Cirque to Spacelei from Revenge of the Sith...all I can say is

this looks more like a doctor who episode than star wars...

How I Met Your Mon-Mothma

You can click on something to voice your opinion that it’s garbage. More people should do so whenever Patricia writes about penises and Pewdiepie.

You know.. the second I saw the title of this I knew it was Patricia Hernandez. Stop being the worst, Patricia.

I sometimes wonder whether Kotaku just throws you these stories because no one else would take them.

Looks like a really fun multiplayer game ruined by the unnecessary sexual content put there to get free media exposure and an instant crowd on Steam.

You should probably mark spoilers because of Giant Man

Ugh, I really think the Black Panther minifig is atrocious. The face is all off: his eyes are too low and too close together. I would have preferred a variant of the Chima masks.