
Next year’s In Memoriam:

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

“Scientologists believe Cruise ‘single-handedly is clearing the planet.’”

the best people

50% of this country is also dumber than the other 50% of this country.

in these crazy times, it’s kinda nice to have a constant.

Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.

I apologize I don’t have time to go into full detail on this right now with multiple studies and so on but as a biologist with a Master’s in Conservation Biology, zoo experience and I’ve interned with a reintroduction program - captive breeding only “saves” wild animals to live in captivity while their habitat and

I agree with (and am guilty of) most of those. But I do think there is a difference between Seaworld and most zoos.

The following is absolutely not a criticism in any shape, manner, or form. I am more guilty of the following hypocrisy than most. It just genuinely fascinates me how we deal with this sort of stuff.

Tl;dr: we don’t care who she fucks, as long as she FUCKS OFF.

Just become one the greatest tennis players of all time for your entire life. You’ll have them in no time!

The first one is just loose change.

Was this a sort of sideways brag about the class of rotisserie chicken you have access to?

If that 3rd cover is an actual swimsuit, then the rotisserie chicken I bought earlier this week had the same one.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

Halfway through the article (and thank you Bobby for pointing me towards this gift) and there is NO WAY that Hiddles’ family is ‘solidly middle class’. I hate the way English rich people always insist that they’re ‘middle class’ because they struggled to send their kids to Eton. If you can send your kids to Eton on

He picked musical theater over bourbon? Girl, he's gay.

now this isn't a harrowing story, i don't mean it to be. but this is the extent of paying it forward.