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Is there any possible world where we discuss the *policies* of the candidates in question rather than race, age, and gender?  This identity-politics thing is hurting the Democratic Party.

I see the concern here, really, but as someone who was too young to catch Saint Seiya beyond an academic (oh, those are where most of those tropes come from...) way, this doesn’t really bother me that much. Again, I get that Shun was seen as a great male role model, but, well, we *do* already have a lot of great male

That’s why I dislike the : Let’s gender swap or race swap a character for inclusion. Because in the end it’s only an easy answer and talks more of lazyness than anything else. They don’t try to see if they can develop an already existing character, or create their own character that would conform to what they want to

So... basically just watch the original anime and you’ll have the best experience. Kick ass art syle (better than this shoddy 3D animation), kick ass opening (Pegasus Fantasy), and kick ass Shun.

Good thoughts on how Blizzard could have spun the news better. I would chalk up most of the reaction to an intense dislike and distrust of mobile gaming, its associated monetization practices, and generally simpler play schemes. People don’t want to see their favorite companies or IPs invested that way.

I mean...all respect given, but what were your expectations here?

Do you really want a mission in a Spider-Man game where Peter has to investigate an NYPD officer for killing an unarmed man in the street? That, or something equally as topical and troubling, is a bell you can’t un-ring. If the game were to get that

Moral vacuums are nice to have sometimes. This is one of those times. Contrast with the most recent Tomb Raider, which was weakened overall by its failure to resolve its gameplay and the underlying moral dilemma of what that gameplay would lead to in the real world.

This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s

“I’m not grasping for as many straws as it may appear.”

I disagree. This is silly.