
@curtis07: And the chicks dig it.

@Arbitrary: You forgot to use the word "Sheeple."

This is crazy, someone has to catch this guy...

The TF2 spy should have stood with the Westboro Baptist people with a moron disguise tied to his face.

He's played death. He's played a vampire. Clearly now he wants to play a zombie.

@fonz: That was lavishly loquacious.

Although the new Karate Kid movie wasn't the best remake of all time, Jaden Smith certainly looked like he could kick the crap out of me.

The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen.

They said math could never make me popular, but I showed them! Now to work on my equation for the perfect pick up line...

Subverting/Averting/Deconstructing a trope is a trope in itself and has been done numerous times.

I for one am relieved to know that the company that built a faulty oilrig that exploded and dumped millions of gallons of oil into the gulf is also responsible for creating the equipment that is going to stop said disaster.

I'm sorry, I was unaware that I was supposed to pay attention to the dialogue in a Vin Diesel movie. I'll try it out next time I see one.

@Ben Frazier: I only caught maybe half of the dialogue in Sherlock Holmes. Not sure I even got the plot.

@Logan5: Did you ever see The Brothers Bloom? I thought it was a pretty decent movie. It almost made up for Just Like Heaven.

How to get published.

I for one applaud her self sacrifice of gaining as much weight as she can so that her body can better sustain her family when they are forced to eat her.

@iknowchris: They'll be fine with it. I mean, it's not like it's a video game or something.

Avatar as a series was fine by itself. No live action movie was needed.

Skynet Air - "Your lives are in our hands."