My Back! Still sore...

No complaints over here.

Never mind the ones that call you elitest. Don’t hang back with the brutes.

i’ve started sleeping with a bra on that i wouldn’t wear outside and sometimes jeans, I pass right the f out and stay out for about five hours in a row.

i’ve started sleeping with a bra on that i wouldn’t wear outside and sometimes jeans, I pass right the f out and

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My favorite Halloween song that’s also my ninth favorite all time song

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this could go on for three hours and never not get happy

im too much to explain, and it took me 8 mins i’ll never get back to find this comment from like two weeks ago? just know you would not give me a second look, and im ok with that. im not for everyone

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yeah...this whole thread has maligned my day off. i WAS feeling good about things. Nature’s first green is gold.

on fucking point.

Incredibly blunt here. Had varying degrees of success with that, but always a good story.

Fake take

dammit, just commented on that. Can’t unsee it.

Like high school kids fooling around in a running car. In a garage.

PPPFFFFFF Yeah like I’m gonna believe another shanty cop

This is giving me flashbacks of Gus Van Zant’s Gerry. Saw it once, never forgot it.

I have been listening to Canadian XSM and THip for days now, and I’m so mad all this amazing music has gotten by me. Making up for lost time by driving the Blue Ridge and binge blasting it all.

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or an actual 80's song that sounded so 80's