My Back! Still sore...
Now playing

you know when you make a tape so good that the song order is burned into your mind even 30 years later??

I think she used to do caberet in nyc at the Carlyle?? I think my parents went years ago?

Listened to Hstern take him apart over this interview about two weeks ago. Bikrim is fucking batshit douchchills.

Did he throw a bullFUCKINGshit in there?

I. as a 45 year old, am having”funny knees” while i read this in bed. I’m gonna go watch sports or something

Rhode Isand? Long Island?


I JUST stopped crying fuck

Tell me about it.

Thank you so much for this. Seriously.

Now playing

But not Bill. Just look at his face when the photographer mentions Moore.

Fuck Yeah.....

omg Right?? And Steph looks soooo much like Chris Cornell!!!!

That was taped days ago, and children are always dying.

With you, I’d like to see them both make donations to the British red cross and end this.


TMZ has the best reporting on this right now, and sources