My Back! Still sore...

It time to move.

Yeah no, no magic involved. People being open and honest and putting pressure on leadership does work.

Would watch.

Sign. Me. Up.

A Texan letting FEAR (of hurt feelings) dictate is just so fucked up.


HURT FEELINGS!!! Are you kidding me?? NO. .Not at work, not over fair compensation.

Now playing

If you have a business, you NEED a lawyer. What if Leste does something on par with libel? Or wage thefdt or something?? I don’t know what Leste is, but I know if you have acreative buisness you have to have council.

“Who created this great patch?”

they get a lawyer.

i have no idea who any of these poeple are or what’s going on. I would never wear a jean jacket though. Did that already.


Will?? that you??

donna summer>d ross


yeah after they pry the smile off my clam’s face. wait...

No, I get it. I really do. At 45, I’d die if i couldn’t drive.I’d kill myself if I hurt someone because of my driving. I pray to whatever that I have the wisdom to give up the keys or that someone will just take them from me. with love.

I just had to have the talk to my 77 year old Da. So fucked up and depressing. . He almost killed me twice when I was home for Easter.

Uhh. yeah. When are we going to discuss my clam?