Tippi St. Clair


Low energy!

"God I swear he wakes up every morning and thinks "People think I've sunk to a new low. They haven't seen anything yet!""

Wow. Beautifully stated, and information about which I've never given much thought. Thank you for this.

Check this out, and be sure to watch the first embedded video (it runs only about 2-3 minutes):

Yes, I, too, saw that video clip of the Mike Pence / "revolution" incident. It played over and over again, on CNN and MSNBC, on Tuesday, and somewhere here on WOT (probably on the WOT that was posted on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning), I posted this comment:

And I saw videotape yesterday, either on CNN or MSNBC, of an interview with a female Trump supporter who, big surprise, referenced "Second Amendment remedies" as an option, should HC win the election.

"Meanwhile, did you enjoy the Betsy McCaughey clip?"

Ooooh, thanks for the Mindy links. Whenever she appears on the talk shows, she's inevitably delightful.


*hangs head in shame, blames shocking lapse in decorum on a senior-moment*

Two things.

No, he's not breaking 40 now, but just a few weeks ago, he was. And all I could think was, "How can so many people be so stupid?"

Oh, absolutely.

It can be three things. Just sayin'.

You may already have read this, but, if not, I thought it might interest you:

I'd like to be able to say that I was so stunned, when he said that, that I almost fell out of my chair. But I wasn't, and I didn't. In fact, I was so not stunned, that I didn't even bother to look up from my computer.

Well, that might go a long way toward explaining that sulfur smell.