Tippi St. Clair


Hey! Thank you so much for your reply to my whining post ;) For the next couple of hours, I'm going to have to spend my time photographing a bunch of stuff, so I can get some eBay listings done tonight, but I'll be back, in a while, to respond to your reply.

I decided to wait a couple of days, until this WOT thread had passed its "sell by" date, to respond to your post.

Condolences to your sister. Oof. That must be hard. I don't know if I could do it.

Ohhhh, yeah, how quickly we forget, right? Thanks for clarification!

I watched the entire first season of Secrets & Lies, too. Remind me: What was the mystery?

Yep. It's unfortunate, but your right …. it's the way it is. Might as well accept and embrace it, and prepare our girls for the inevitable situation in which there's no one there to protect them but themselves.

Wow, I'm sorry you had to grow up in what sounds like a none-too-happy household, and I commend you for emerging from it all a better person. That's no small feat, truly. And, yeah, I didn't mean to imply that all boys who grow up in a misogynistic household will become potential rapists and abusers. I think that some

You're welcome! Being the mother of a daughter, I'm fairly well-versed in most of the disasters that are just waiting to befall the girls and women in our lives. LOL.

Yes, I know that "victim blaming" is a charge frequently leveled by people who …. oh, hell, I don't know …. people who live in some unicorn dream-world that exists only inside their own minds? Yeah, something like that.

Yes, I think the gay community, and people of color, also have to concern themselves with potential danger and precautionary measures. And I know that straight, white men also can easily become victims of predators. But for women, gay people, and POC, it starts early, and never really ends.

In re-visiting your comment just now, I got to thinking about this topic again, and I have to wonder how many men would find themselves picking their jaws up off the floor, after reading my list of safety measures for the ladies.

I've never really understood the principle behind hate-watching. About the only thing I can deduce is that people who hate-watch share a philosophy of life with Dunbar, of Catch-22 fame.

Duly noted.

I'd like to report a moderate success in my long-running battle with the DVR.

"The whole "you've gotta be crazy to keep them in the seats, but the rest of the country notices when you're crazy" has already peaked, and we have more than two months to go."

Okay …. You're going to have to help me out here …. I'm just an olde who randomly wandered into AVC/WOT one night, discovered some kindred spirits here, and decided to hang around for a while. But I have to confess that I read a lot of posts that I just don't get, and sometimes I find that I'm struggling to keep up ;)

Thank you so much for your lovely compliment. I think there probably are a good number of decent people in the world; it's just unfortunate that they usually aren't the ones who are making the headlines. I've known many men, in my life, who would have found a way to usher that young woman to safety, who would not have

They're both scum, the absolute worst of humanity. First, they viciously victimized that young woman, and then they pursued and hounded her into desperation. They are scum, and, IMO, deserving of no breaks, no mercy. They've richly earned exactly what now seems to be coming their way. You reap what you sow, and they

Thank you so much for the nice compliment.