Tippi St. Clair

Oh, please. Hillary Clinton and the DNC didn't do anything with the Khan family that Donald Trump and the RNC didn't, also, do with the mother of the American specialist who died in Benghazi.

Ah, yes; our friend, the semi-colon! I'm a chronic editor of my own rants, so, once I've gotten all my bile down on "paper," I'll go back and add commas, semi-colons, etc., in the hope of making it easier to read, for those who are brave — or foolish — enough to venture there ;)

Yes, having re-read a couple of posts, I've begun to recognize a sort of style in the choice of words, and I think you're right. It's B.D.2.0, I think.

LOL. I know. The whole thing is just so absurd, isn't it?

Hmmm …. I'm actually surprised that there is such a large male audience for Crazy Ex-GF. Good to know. Thank you!

Oh, hell, yeah! There will never be a time when I am not driven to outrage by something. I suppose it's just unfortunate that I don't seem to be able to contain my indignation, but, rather, feel the need to vent, wherever I can find someone who'll "listen." Hence, the vociferous diatribes ;)

Yes! It is genius!

Yes, in the summer, I use fans, all over my house, day and night, and that sometimes helps to diminish the constant noise. But in the winter, when I can't tolerate a fan all night long, that little noise machine really, really helps … a lot.

Ahhhh, I did not realize that. Hmmmmm …. Maybe. I don't know. Doesn't really have that Brighter Days vibe, I don't think. But …. maybe.

Richard Benjamin: Diary of a Mad Housewife

You're the Worst
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Halt & Catch Fire

None of my friends or family watch The Americans, so I have to come here for my Americans review and conversation fix …. where I routinely post the most absurd theories, ever, about what it meant when Oleg looked at Tatiana's file folder, and what's going to happen with Martha, and when is Stan going to figure out

Oh, absolutely. With the exception of The Good Wife, I've never watched any of the CBS dramas, but I know that they do very well in re-runs. Law & Order was always my cup of tea, and I'm sure I've watched most of the episodes ten times over. And yeah, as an old, sometimes I've forgotten the episodes, even after having

Oh, god, no …. And just when I thought we'd put Brighter Days behind us!

Not long ago, I saw a little TV feature on the USA ladies' gymnastics team, and someone said that there are those who believe that Simone Biles might just be the greatest female gymnast of all time.

The Olympics is a true juggernaut, and I suspect that the other networks just don't want to have to try to compete. Also, knowing that the majority of TVs are automatically going to be tuned to the Olympics, they don't want to run something new, or something potentially exciting, because they're pretty sure no one's

" … maybe I'm an upvote junkie just trying to get by until my next fix, my next post that hits it big!"