Tippi St. Clair

LOL. Yeah, she was "knocked out" on TGW, wasn't she? Knocked right out of her role on the show. I guess she was hurt pretty badly, conked on the head by lighting equipment, or something.

Now 1:00 AM, and 83 degrees outside. Jesus.

I liked The Killing but, yeah, it frequently was almost impossible to see what was going on, due the darkness on-screen.

Sometimes, I think Jeopardy takes some liberties with what constitutes "the mid-west." On more than one occasion, I've found myself saying, "Really? That's considered the mid-west?" while watching Jeopardy. It just feels like such a crap-shoot.

Yep. Planned Parenthood has given him an "A," and his NRA grade is "F." So there's that, right?

Yep. An uncomfortably large percentage of the American public would vote for a convicted pedophile before they'd vote for an atheist. No contest.

Yep, I read that story today, too, and all I could say was, "Seriously? You really had to release this shit just two freakin' days before Bernie Sanders is scheduled to deliver the big speech of the night, on Monday, at the Convention? Really? Well, fuck. Thanks for that."

Kristin Chenoweth is only at #9? She should be ranked higher than that. She's a knockout in everything she does, and she does so many things.

I understand the sentiment, but don't forget: He's not just a fuckwit … He's a gold-star evangelical fuckwit.

Oh, no! First it was Creamsicles, now it's Burger King hot dogs! ?!? Ummmm …. hang on …. I'll be back ……..

I think the terrible hate, and viciousness started with the election of Bill Clinton, but you're right that the big explosion really happened with the election of Obama. He put a face on the old white folks' fears that they had lost complete control of this country, and the election of a black / bi-racial president

Oooh, I'm sorry I missed Alex Wagner on "The Daily Show." I miss her a lot on MSNBC, feel like they really dropped the ball when they cut her loose.

Well, yes, point taken. But we can dream, can't we?

LOL. Absolutely. To all of the above.

Yep. I'm right there with ya. I, too, am keeping my fingers crossed that it's the worst electoral rout in history. And I'm all for anything that will further expose the depth of Trump's unsuitability for the office of president.

Yeah, I had just turned xx when Woodstock happened, so that was a real non-starter in my house, as well. And as I always was a very reluctant camper, in general — Bugs! Dirt! Too hot! Too cold! — I'm not sure Woodstock would have been a good fit for me, either.

My favorite, as yet, Couric/Palin moment came when Chris Matthews asked Trump if there should be punishment for having an abortion, and he responded, "Yes." And when Matthews followed up with, "For the woman?" Trump replied, "Yes, I think there has to be some sort of punishment."

Yeah, actually, I have the first three albums on both vinyl and CD, but I like to watch the Woodstock "Soul Sacrifice" video, because the visuals just really add something to the performance. Of course, my Santana CDs were purchased many years ago, and they don't have any of those bonus tracks, so it might be worth

Rhys Ifans was terrific as DJ Gavin Kavanagh in Pirate Radio, and charming, as the romantic lead in Danny Deckchair.

Oooh, I noticed, last night, that HuffPost had linked the article, but I was too tired to go and read it. Thanks for the reminder ….