Tippi St. Clair

"The 'what happened here?' thing is the most interesting part. It would almost make you believe in a mole in Trump's campaign, cause who would be so stupid to pilfer Michelle Obama's words?"

It's all so infuriating, and, sometimes, simultaneously infuriating and unintentionally hilarious.

Something that enraged me, last night, which no one seems to be talking about today, is that fraud Rudy Giuliani's statement that, when questioned by one of the umpteen "BENGHAZI!" committees about the deaths of four Americans in that disastrous incident, Hillary Clinton replied, "What difference does it make, now?"

Ha ha ha! I was wondering if you were watching the breaking news about Melania Trump's speech. They've been going absolutely nuts on MSNBC, particularly Chris Matthews. He used to be a speech writer, for Pres. Carter, so I guess this kind of thing — plagiarism — cuts particularly deep with him. For a while there,

OMG, Ernst is just awful, isn't she? And I have to say, the Republicans are nothing if not predictable. They opened with "Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!" — by featuring the mother of one of the Americans who was killed in Benghazi — and I suspect it's a thread that will be woven throughout the convention. A hundred

Jeeze, I miss The Colbert Report so much! It always was just laugh-out-loud funny, but he was so great at really sticking it to them, wasn't he? I'll have to record The Late Show tonight, as I get up early — 6:00 AM — to walk with my neighbor.

Oooooh, I'm in California, so Samantha Bee won't be on for another couple of hours! But, now, I can hardly wait for "the ChristCon kid Nazi and his mother"!

And, btw …. Sam Harris's little book Letter To A Christian Nation changed my life. I mean, I already had been an atheist for many, many years when I read it, but he is just so brilliant, and such an amazing writer, and he put down into words everything I'd ever felt in my bones but had been unable to articulate,

LOL. Yeah, it's hard to listen to her for any length of time, isn't it?

LOL. I'm watching it, too, and I almost had to turn the whole thing off when Giuliani came on. What a fucking liar he is. There are few people in this world who send me into foaming-at-the-mouth rage faster than Rudy Giuliani. I loathe him. My mom would have listened to all of his hogwash and said, "Oh, shut up,

"With the conservative/religious factions always doing their best to destroy public education and/or forcing their Christian beliefs on the schools and their curricula, it seems like a no-win situation in some ways.They are intentionally creating unintelligent citizens who will in turn vote for them, and the cycle

Yeah, I'm not sure what it is …. Is it a dearth of education about our founding documents which leads to a lack of understanding that among the most crucial purposes of the U.S. Constitution is protection of the minority from the tyranny of the majority?

Yes, I know you're right about that. That is their goal, and they are fucking relentless, aren't they?

OMG, you just hit the nail on the head. Yes. That's exactly it. It's like you just shone a light on my cousin's son's school yearbook. He's in his late 20s now, and through the years, I've met, and come to know, most of his friends, and every single one of them is one shade or another of white. Every. Single. One.

Hmmmmm …. Well ….. I must say …. That was a very thoughtful reply to my mini-rant. And I understand your point that, in the current election, religious, conservative Christians are left with no alternative but to vote for Trump and keep their fingers crossed, believing that another Democrat in the White House won't be

Yep. For 15 years — from 1975 to 1990 — I lived in the xxxxxxx area, while my extended family lived, and sill lives, in the xxxxxxx area, and they just could't be more ignorant of the way that other people live.

"So they [(Christian evangelicals)] can be fairly certain a Democrat would not listen to their concerns … because a Democratic politician almost certainly won't care about their concerns."

And, another thousand up-votes.

Yes. ^^^^ This. A thousand up-votes for this. Thank you.