Tippi St. Clair

LOL. Erasing penises! Now there's a job I could get behind ;) Of course, that's exactly the kind of anecdote that should make it into the show …. Perhaps, if it did, I would be less inclined to FF through the interviews. Good grief. Most of the time, I just cannot bring myself to sit through them, but I usually save

I just read an incredible article, on gothamist.com, about Trump's son-in-law (married to Ivanka) and the SIL's father, i.e. Jared and Charles Kushner, and their lust for property acquisition in New York and New Jersey. It will curl your hair, seriously. And this is Trump's assessment of his SIL Jared Kushner:

Yes. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Elected actually alluded to that possibility, himself, 16 years ago, when he considered running as an Independent in 2000.

Nah. I think the worst Jeopardy interview of all time had to be, "So, Lara, I hear you were sexually assaulted by a frenzied mob of rioters in Egypt? How was that?"

I got Faye Dunaway, too, right in the nick of time! Score!

Exactly! Once I knew the year was 1968, I immediately started going through the White Album songs in my head. Additionally, I recently had spent some time listening to Neil Young's On The Beach album, and my favorite song on that record is Revolution Blues, so I guess Manson and Helter Skelter were fresh in my mind.

Back about 20 years ago, my daughter (read: "I") did a middle-school history project on the 79 AD eruption of Pompeii. She, true to form for most middle-schoolers, had neglected to complete the project, and so, on the night before it was due, I sat up all night, gluing shit to a poster board. So, yeah …. I guess

Hey! It was just a few days ago that gitm gave someone else here some instructions on how to italicize, bold, strikethrough, and underline, and I was ever so grateful because I've wondered, for the longest time, how to do those things! But when I went to make my Jeopardy! Objection! today, I realized I didn't know how

Jeopardy! Objection! In the category "Tool Kit," the answer was, "This farm implement, with sharp prongs, isn't for eating, it's for lifting or tossing hay." Liz rang in first and replied, "What is fork?" And Alex didn't miss a beat, blurting out, "Yes! A pitch fork!" And on they rolled …. So, "Thanks, Alex," for

I'm not from Washington, and I didn't know "petrified wood," either, but I found a hint in the clue and managed to hit on the right response.

"… Warren is unbelievably skilled at making Trump lose control."

My first thought was Dial M For Murder. Then I moved on to Rear Window. But then I remembered that the audience doesn't actually see the murder in Rear Window. I finally managed to land on Psycho, not too long before the final bell.

Really? You may be right. My comment, above, was not intended to portray Clinton as some sort of prima donna (I voted for her in the California primary, and I'll be voting for her in the fall, so I'm a supporter). I don't think she's a prima donna, at all. But it takes a certain level of ego — again, not intended as

Additionally, I wonder if Clinton might worry that EW would outshine her over the course of her term(s) in office. Warren's quite the rising star in the Democratic party right now, very popular with the base, and she gets oodles of media coverage; Clinton's general popularity / approval numbers are nowhere near as

Strictly Ballroom. So "life-affirming."

Do you mean in Hawking's voice, replete with "his pretentious American accent"? (Yeah, I know he doesn't get a lot of love around here, but that's still one of my favorite Ricky Gervais lines.)

OMG, I *love* Only The Lonely! What a wonderful movie! Is it really largely forgotten now? How sad. Time for a great re-discovery!

Hey! Thanks so much for the little tutorial! I've been wondering, for the longest time, how to do all that stuff!

Oh, okay! I misunderstood.

OMG, that music over the final montage was just haunting, stunningly beautiful. I decided I had to know who it was so I did a lyrics search on the "Who shall I say is calling?" bit, and found out it's Leonard Cohen. Such a beautiful piece and, yes, probably my favorite of the series.