Eunuch citizens? Anyone with the scoop on eunuchs in India and Pakistan out there?
Eunuch citizens? Anyone with the scoop on eunuchs in India and Pakistan out there?
I hope this works. I've wondered how that keeps happening without legal problems. I mean if you film anything to show publicly you've got to track down anyone who so much as walked into the background to get express consent to air their image otherwise you have to obscure their face.
It's weird. I'm 35 and I can feel this. I spent my twenties almost compulsively packing my brain with knowledge so I'll never be dumb or anything. But in recent years I can definitely feel a decline in the ability to absorb new knowledge. Some of it also appears to be psychological - less of a drive to learn. I think…
That's called "making a new friend". If it felt like flirting or a date then maybe you should examine some things. Are you sexually happy in your relationship? If not maybe you're deep down seeking other sexual partners which isn't fair to your boyfriend or the people you think you're pursuing as friends.
I'm sure there's seasonal positions available for a vagina in need of a side job while she pursues an artistic effort.
That's weird because I had no problem getting my Georgia plate, MANLOV
I meant under inquiry. I remember the Brock piece. But didn't her story fall apart? I was like 15 when it happened but I know I read some decent works in good publications that gave details as to how bad. Is there more?
Does no one else remember that her testimony held up very poorly in court? I remember reading an article about how it came out in court that some of her allegations were said to have happened before she even met him. The whole thing seemed like the (now) all too typical "let's dig up someone to accuse this guy of…
That's a good point but I think we can agree that oral rape is comfortably on the inappropriate side. It's a library. Unless it's an 18 and older library which I doubt.
I can never understand people's inability to separate the ideas of censorship and judgement. Does she have every right to include something so gruesome in her art? yes. Might it be inappropriate for a public building? yes.
Johnny is that you trolling?
Bravo, my friend. Bravo!
I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for unusual sports celebrations. I think my favorite is the classic hockey "ride the stick like a horsey" one.
Seriously stop giving him the attention on which he thrives. He's just a stupid character that knee-jerks ridiculous extreme right crap. You only help his cause by acting as though he is worthy of attention, comment or analysis.
I was pretty impressed with their connect four skills.
I think it's just a bit silly. It's a page about you and a social outlet for you and your friends. I know you just had a kid. They all look alike. I would think parents would be eager to have one little section of their lives that their newborns aren't dominating.
OK since we're getting personal here don't get your vag altered out of fear. As a man I can tell you vaginas can be pretty....uuuumm...words fail. Intimidating? Daunting? Mesmerizing? I dated a girl a couple years ago who had one quite unlike anything I had ever seen but sex with her was kind of amazing. Any man worth…
I wish a woman with THREE kids would burst in the door and the music from spaghetti westerns would play. Having said that the marginal increase in difficulty of more kids probably is biggest at the one to two jump.
This is an interesting discussion. My first reaction was "she broke no laws and didn't solicit her students to watch her porn or anything!" My second reaction is that the public nature of pornography makes it likely students would seek it out, watch her pornographic films and that would probably create a real…
An appendage which grows and expresses desire in ways that words never could. A giver and receiver of pleasure equipped with a protective shield to maintain its sensitivity. The flower of masculine mental and physical health.